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1646: KATG LIVE IN L.A. 2012

KATG and some of your favorite guests infiltrate the Nerdist Theater at Meltdown. Audio and audio/video recordings of their visit to Los Angeles feature MC Mr. Napkins aka Zach Sherwin, Michael Khalili, Claudia Cogan, Chris Gore, Peyton Clarkson, Dave Holmes, Myq Kaplan and Jesse Joyce. You can find this show at September 4, 2012

Show Notes

  • — Cop Killer: MC Mr. Napkins aka Zach Sherwin raps about getting a bike ticket
  • — Drop The Beat: Hollywood's homeless defecate on the main streets and no one blinks an eye
  • — Frowned Upon: While Michael Khalili tries dealing with an officer, his girlfriend talks shit to said officer
  • — Truant Section: Claudia Cogan has a history of sleeping with straight girls and not eating Chick-fil-A
  • — Really Awesome Hair: Chris Gore spent a night in a Detroit jail for underage drinking
  • — Birmingham, Boom: Peyton Clarkson got out of a DUI by telling a racist joke to Alabama cops
  • — British DeBarge: Dave Holmes bonded with a cop over Five Star's music
  • — He's So Tiny: Myq Kaplan fell asleep at the wheel and drove off the highway into a telephone pole
  • — Chicks: Chemda pulled over past a toll and had an emotional breakdown in front of a cop while dressed as a clown
  • — Celebrity: Jesse Joyce had an awkward reunion with a cop who never fucked him as a kid, and he once was nearly arrested for someone else's DUI
  • — Infuckective: MC Mr. Napkins closes the show explaining why he's the best effing rapper in the game

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