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Old 12-18-2009, 12:25 PM   #2818 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by amikaligula View Post
Ya, I was expecting that. I was kind of hoping for the Mass effect speech model, though. And I like the attribute system but suspect the skill/talent system will annoy me a bit later on. Ido the vast majority of my gaming on my PC.
I remember an interesting debate on that during a videogame podcast - the gist is that they were going for a different direction - you playing as your character, rather than you playing as a character. Having a voice thrust upon you would break that a bit. PC version > . as is usually the case.

Originally Posted by pinoy0004 View Post
Finally beat God of War 1. It was a very good game, except for that last level, the Hades one. Climbing those spinning columns with spikes, and touching just one would knock you all the way down to the bottom.... I sure hope part 2 doesn't have crap like that in it.

Gonna take a break with PixelJunk Shooter before I dive into part 2.
I really need to get some stuff from the PlayStation Store - Wipeout, the PixelJunk stuff and Noby Noby look great.
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