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Old 02-01-2010, 10:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 52
KATG Marathon #2

Edit: For those that may have missed the e-mail annoucement:

You are the first to know that KATG will be hosting a second marathon! This time they’re going to break their own record by remaining on air for 75 hours of continuous entertainment. The marathon will start on Feb 28 at 6 PM ET and will continue until March 3rd at 9 PM ET. The online party will be celebrating KATG’s book release: What Do We Do Now?

Read the first chapter for free online right now and comment: What Do We Do Now by Keith Malley and Chemda - Excerpt
I'm so excited that you guys are going to be hosting another marathon after how incredibly awesome the first one was!

Who knows what craziness this marathon will hold. Perhaps:
- Dina in Flushing for a live edition of "Ask Dina"
- More hillarious prank calls to the home shopping network
- Keith breaks up a relationship with the 1-to-10 game, and fixes it with a copy of "What do we do now?"
- Double or nothing "two hundred for thirty". Two comics perform for 30 minutes each, with the listeners deciding the winner by vote. The winner takes all, while the losing comic slices wrists.
- A live execution of one Mr. Jon Petrie

At any rate, this is sure to be the 2010 defining KATG event.

Last edited by Pharekyz; 02-01-2010 at 04:46 PM.
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