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Old 04-11-2010, 05:30 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BrownEyedBtch View Post
Celebrities don't often have many friends outside of their entourages. The ones they do have were friends before everything happened. It's a lonely life. Constantly having to go through life wondering if people want to know you and not just want to associate being with someone famous is a terrible way to live. Knowing it automatically comes with being a celebrity, I would never want that kind of life.
I think this is one of the sole reasons why there is not much motivation to get into a career where one could be perceived as a celebrity. You have acclaim, increased wealth, and you're featured more commonly than the average person, but with that, you're constantly hounded and scrutinized more heavily than the average person. In order to achieve a certain limelight, you have to suspend your privacy and personal life.
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