Thread: Books etc.
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Old 08-16-2006, 11:36 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 936
Ok so total chick book, but it's one of the best selling books of all time:
Valley of the Dolls

Anything by David Sedaris

If you like Fantasy/celtic type shite.. My favorite Series (and really its more like 3 series) is The Deverry Series by Katherine Kerr. It's a crappy website, but the books are so amazing, i've read some of them twice. It's about different incarnations of characters, and how their past lives effect their current/future lives and relationships with each other. And a lot of "elemental magic" type of crap. *shrug* i love it.

Also, anything by Poppy Z Brite. Like Anne Rice, but 100 times better.
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