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Old 05-09-2011, 10:42 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: I live in Southern California.
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Los Filez is pretty trendy, but one thing about LA is that, unlike almost every other major city in the world, people from LA will avoid the city center like a plague. They only go there if they really really have to, or begrudgingly if they work there. Business owners are trying to make the city sexy again, but it's still basically abandoned after 5 p.m. and on weekends.

Every suburb has it's own scene, and the people that live there mostly attend their local stuff. If you want to be around the most possible cool stuff, I recommend South Pasadena. Even though you're going against traffic, Los Filez to Arcadia is going to get to be a really annoying commute. South Pas is close to the city if you want to go to a play or a concert (basically the only reason to go), it's not half in the stifling heat and dry dead desert of the valley, it actually gets cool breezes. A lot of neighborhoods in South Pas are walking distance from restaurants, entertainment, etc. And, since it was trendy in the 90's, but fell out of favor, you get nice apartments with generally lower rent.
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