Originally Posted by Archimedes_Screw
What the hell is going on!? Hutto is the same way.
I've read like ten different stories. I read that one of the biggest refineries is in (Corpus?) or Houston and they're offline, not to begin running again until Sunday, I've read that people freaking out is causing a run on the stations so they can't keep up, I've read "AGH FUCK TAKE COVER!!!!" and I've read "We're good calm the fuck down." I've read that there's a bigass pipeline not (working?) and it could take up to weeks.
Problem is, I run a service van and the gas light just came on so now I gotta take my lil bebe car and jam it full of tools n shit to keep working tomorrow.
I don't wannnnna. That feels insensitive to people who actually need gas for like having babies or delivering food to homeless people or attending funerals n shit. But inconvennniennnnce