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Old 10-25-2022, 10:46 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Just binged a few shows in the past few weeks

Hulu - Ramy - Really liked it, gave it a shot after hearing Ramy on Andrew Schulz Flagrant 2 podcast. Was pleasantly surprised to enjoy this really well written show that deals with struggling to live up to expectations put on upon by yourself and your peers/elders/religion(islam)

Hulu - Under the Banner of Heaven - Andrew Garfield stars as a detective who's Mormon faith is tested in the wake of a brutal double murder where a mother is stabbed to death and her child nearly decapitated. It's really interesting and if you grew up fundamentalist adjacent you'll be triggered pretty hard.

Apple Tv+ - Black Bird - Just finished this one last night. Based on a true story. It's about a suspected serial killer, Larry Dewayne Hall, he's on appeal and it's looking like there's no evidence to tie him to the crime so the FBI enlists the help of Jimmy Keene, a charismatic drug dealer doing 10 years w/o parole. His mission is to go into Springfield Max Security facility befriend Larry, and find out where the bodies are. Give Paul Walter Hauser all the awards for his portrayal of Larry Hall.

HBO Max - House of the Dragon - drsgons yo. Shits fire.

Hulu/Fx - Atlanta - love it. It's in its final season. Shootout Rod and This too much recap
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