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Old 01-21-2025, 12:40 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I wore my John Elway shirt to a (New York Football) Giants (regular season) game and while I didn't hear (or notice) too much about it at the time, maybe because I was too young, but my friend's father who brought me heard about it from all his fellow season ticket holders around him for decades, basically until the new stadium was built and he got to change the location of his seats.

Point is, don't just think about what could happen to you when you do such a thing.

I was also passingly threatened on the way out of Dodger Stadium for wearing a (San Francisco) Giants shirt. The guy yelled from his truck that I was "lucky he drove" to the game. I didn't have time to question his logic before he'd driven away, but it was less than a year before someone got stabbed for the same offense. I assume because that guy did not get a ride to the game that day.
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