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View Poll Results: Do you think these forums need to be moderated?
Yes, there should be some level of moderation 46 42.99%
No, do not moderate these forums at all 19 17.76%
I didn't know it was a problem 27 25.23%
I don't care 15 14.02%
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Old 01-26-2008, 06:35 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Do these forums need moderators?

So the topic of threads being deleted... why certain threads were chosen over others... were there individuals that should have been contained by forums moderators... etc have been a hot topic of discussion around here lately. And it all seems to come back to there needing to be some control around here.

So the question is... Do you think we need more active moderators for these forums?

Oh, and while I'm at it... I would like to personally request that n00b posters (with say less than 100 posts) are not allowed to start new threads unless they clear the topic with a moderator. That should keep completely useless threads like the one that asshat Mobius Stripper started entitled "Do your parents know you are gay?" posted today from clogging up needed storage space and bandwidth. This isn't the first idiot n00b that has posted pointless garbage or spam and IMHO this is as bad as those that hijack threads and spam other crap that is bring us all down.

Peace, love, and KATG... Kisses - DaH
Old 01-26-2008, 06:39 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I think moderation is a good idea, but if you clamp down too much, it gets a little stifling.

I for one am trying to moderate myself a bit more, but it will be a process since I've been following the whore-crowd for a long time. I think that we just need to work on changing the culture of the place.

My strategy is to ignore the retards, and think about what I post and where.
Old 01-26-2008, 06:41 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bebe View Post
I think moderation is a good idea, but if you clamp down too much, it gets a little stifling.

I for one am trying to moderate myself a bit more, but it will be a process since I've been following the whore-crowd for a long time. I think that we just need to work on changing the culture of the place.

My strategy is to ignore the retards, and think about what I post and where.
I agree that too much moderation is bad. The debate over what is appropriate will have to come another day.

I respect that you are actively trying to moderate yourself. We've all been guilty of this stuff but unfortunately it doesn't seem like many others have considered this option.
Old 01-26-2008, 06:50 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I think a bit of moderation would be good for the reasons you have stated. There's some obvious items, like the "pole", that are a waste of space due to being a dormant discussion topic.

The key would be to find someone who spans across the subgroups of the forums, so modifications would be taken in good spirit. If that's not possible, perhaps we could find a new person --- that way the subgroups can bond in the hatred of the new moderator
Old 01-26-2008, 07:00 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DaHonay View Post
So the topic of threads being deleted... why certain threads were chosen over others... were there individuals that should have been contained by forums moderators... etc have been a hot topic of discussion around here lately. And it all seems to come back to there needing to be some control around here.

So the question is... Do you think we need more active moderators for these forums?

Oh, and while I'm at it... I would like to personally request that n00b posters (with say less than 100 posts) are not allowed to start new threads unless they clear the topic with a moderator. That should keep completely useless threads like the one that asshat Mobius Stripper started entitled "Do your parents know you are gay?" posted today from clogging up needed storage space and bandwidth. This isn't the first idiot n00b that has posted pointless garbage or spam and IMHO this is as bad as those that hijack threads and spam other crap that is bring us all down.

Peace, love, and KATG... Kisses - DaH
I dont care, but i agree, this is a valid point. it may not matter how many posts the limit is . people would still create useless threads. excultguy
Old 01-26-2008, 07:02 PM   #6 (permalink)
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i agree there should be moderation in the forums. my only fear is that it will be taken too far.
Old 01-26-2008, 07:03 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I dont think threads should be monitored for content as much as threads that do not have current viewing or low traffic should be deleted... there is like 200 pages of threads that havent been viewed for over a year like. Deleting the NA threads was a slap in the face of the real fans. I mean it was peeps who go to the gatherings and kept in touch. Not randoms. It was a disloyal move to loyal fans...
Old 01-26-2008, 07:04 PM   #8 (permalink)
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I think the hardest part would be finding people that won't abuse the power. There would have to be set rules.

But at the same time I kinda enjoy shaking my head at some of the threads here.
Old 01-26-2008, 07:11 PM   #9 (permalink)
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With respect to n00bs I do agree that there should be limitations on their ability to post new threads, not so much with respect to topic, but more to prevent thread duplication.

Topics though, are open to personal preference - there are many popular threads here that would not have gotten past me if I were the moderator. If you don't like a thread you don't have to go in it.

You may not believe it (and it certainly wasn't reflected in the last stats) but I have been posting a lot less lately. Unfortunately that is mostly because I find the forums have become rather dull.

Let's not forget would never have become a popular lolcat thread if it had stayed on topic. (Although it is of course true that it in fact wouldn't have existed, even based on my moderation idea due to being a duplicate thread).

Maybe we need to leave it to the thread starter as to whether or not they are happy with the direction a thread has taken. We could all agree that if the thread starter posts a request to return to topic then we will ... I have seen a lot of self-moderation recently - with posts stating a desire to move an off-topic conversation to inane chatter. Maybe we can just wait and see if we can handle this without moderation?

My concern is that moderation will drain the remaining fun from the forums.
Old 01-26-2008, 07:14 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rye View Post
I dont think threads should be monitored for content as much as threads that do not have current viewing or low traffic should be deleted... there is like 200 pages of threads that havent been viewed for over a year like. Deleting the NA threads was a slap in the face of the real fans. I mean it was peeps who go to the gatherings and kept in touch. Not randoms. It was a disloyal move to loyal fans...

The old threads could have been deleted first. And, even if the final decision had to be to delete the *NAs, it would have been nice if some notice had been given first.
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