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t_davis925 02-08-2009 11:18 PM

Genetic Engineering-Gattaca
1 Attachment(s)
After watching the movie Gattaca in my biology class, we were assigned an essay on the whether or not genetic engineering is morally correct. It piqued my curiosity, and I wanted to see what other people thought about it. It think my essay is attached, but I'm not really sure how to do it.

spooky 02-08-2009 11:32 PM

i didnt read it, but i figure, god created man in his own image, only makes sense we play god, its what he intended.

Incognito 02-09-2009 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by spooky (Post 526646)
i didnt read it, but i figure, god created man in his own image, only makes sense we play god, its what he intended.

He's always up for a challenge.

Mikey 02-09-2009 12:56 AM

i see nothing wrong with it

bren 02-09-2009 01:27 AM

God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. -Jurassic Park

Sparrow 02-09-2009 07:57 AM

To guage its moral correctness I suppose you would first have to identify from where your moral standard comes. Might be interesting to find opposing philosophies; one that would prohibit such actions and one that wouldn't. Ya know, dig into the grey; look outside Christianity as the default moral yard stick.

(edit: read a little into your essay. Needs monster organization and revision. If the topic is about the morality of genetic engineering you may want to put that in there. What you have is a sloppy pro-con list.)

ryanknapper 02-09-2009 08:50 AM

Genetic Engineering is knowledge. There is nothing inherently wrong with it, the moral quandary comes from its application. If you try to get rid of genetic diseases or give all girls bigger boobs then you're a hero. If you try to eliminate all blondes or black people, then you're a monster.

roxymodest 02-09-2009 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Sparrow (Post 527286)
To guage its moral correctness I suppose you would first have to identify from where your moral standard comes. Might be interesting to find opposing philosophies; one that would prohibit such actions and one that wouldn't. Ya know, dig into the grey; look outside Christianity as the default moral yard stick.

(edit: read a little into your essay. Needs monster organization and revision. If the topic is about the morality of genetic engineering you may want to put that in there. What you have is a sloppy pro-con list.)

yes, this. Religion isn't the only thing involved in this...there's more to that i think.
(grey or gray? ...)


Originally Posted by ryanknapper (Post 527300)
Genetic Engineering is knowledge. There is nothing inherently wrong with it, the moral quandary comes from its application. If you try to get rid of genetic diseases or give all girls bigger boobs then you're a hero. If you try to eliminate all blondes or black people, then you're a monster. YOU wanna eliminate all blondes and black people? jus curious...

it'd just be you brunette white folk and us asians...huh.
yeah, you'd totally be a monster in eliminating dumb cunts and jazz musicians...

ryanknapper 02-09-2009 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by roxymodest (Post 527306) YOU wanna eliminate all blondes and black people? jus curious...

No, I support the big and natural (so to speak) boob gene-research. I also support human-cloning in regard to tome of the girls in the Asian Hottie and Jerk-Bank threads.

dzagama 02-09-2009 05:28 PM

Of course it's not immoral. That said, it's not without consequence.

I love doctors and think medicine is the most noble profession. However, isn't medicine similar to genetic engineering? Optometry has allowed humans with shitty vision to propagate, creating generation upon generation of humans dependent on glasses and Lasik, ie. technology dependent humans.

What will a cure for cancer do? Allow people with the propensity to develop cancer to exist to the point of propagating their genes. A net benefit to humans? Who am I to say?

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