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Old 03-02-2015, 07:09 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Paul is dead

I have no idea how we learned things in the 70's without the internet, but nonetheless I think most people were aware of this back then. I don't know how believable it was, but it was a pretty well known story.

Former Beatle Ringo Starr Claims the ?Real? Paul McCartney Died in 1966 and Was Replaced by Look-Alike World News Daily Report

Beverly Hills| The former drummer of the Beatles, Ringo Starr, surprised the world this morning during an interview in his luxurious Californian residence, when he admitted that the 45-year old rumors about the alleged death of Paul McCartney in 1966 were actually true.

In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the “real” Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles’ recording session. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of jovial personality as Paul.

“When Paul died, we all panicked!” claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. “We didn’t know what to do, and Brian Epstein, our manager, suggested that we hire Billy Shears as a temporary solution. It was supposed to last only a week or two, but time went by and nobody seemed to notice, so we kept playing along. Billy turned out to be a pretty good musician and he was able to perform almost better than Paul. The only problem was that he couldn’t get along with John, at all.”

William Shears Campbell, better known as Billy Shears, does indeed “disappear ” from records in 1966 and no traces of him can be found after Paul’s alleged death.

Mr. Starr alleges that the group did send out a lot of hidden messages through the years to prepare the population for the truth.

He notably says that the entire Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album was awash with Paul-is-dead clues: the Beatles had indeed officially formed a “new” band featuring a “fictional” member named Billy Shears, which happened to be the actual name of Paul’s replacement.

“We felt guilty about the deception” added Ringo Starr. “We wanted to tell the world the truth, but we were afraid of the reactions it would provoke. We thought the whole planet was going to hate us for all the lies we had told, so we kept lying but sending subtle clues to relieve our cousciousness. When the first rumors finally began about the whole thing, we felt very nervous and started fighting a lot with each other. At some point, it was too much for John and he decided to leave the band.”

Ringo Starr claims that he finally decided to tell the truth, because he was afraid that it was going to die with him. At age 74, he is the only other surviving member of the famous band besides Paul McCartney, and he was afraid the deception would never be revealed.

According to Ringo Starr, the cover of the Abbey Road album was a hidden message to the world, symbolising a funeral procession. John Lennon, dressed in white, symbolises the clergyman. Ringo Starr, dressed in black, symbolises the undertaker. George Harrison, in denim jeans and shirt, symbolises the gravedigger and McCartney, barefoot and out of step with other members of the band, symbolises the corpse.
The rumors of Paul’s death began more than 45 years ago, but had always been dismissed as nonsense by the band and its entourage. In September 1969, American college students published a series of articles in which they claimed that clues to McCartney’s death could be found among the lyrics and artwork of the Beatles’ recordings. Clue-hunting rapidly proved infectious, and within a few weeks, it had become an international phenomenon. Rumours only declined after a contemporary interview with McCartney was published in Life magazine in November 1969.

Neither Paul McCartney nor anyone from his entourage have commented Ringo Starr’s declaration yet, but the interview has already provoked a lot of reactions around the world. Journalists and paparazzis from around the world have surrounded the residence of the musician only minutes after the interview was broadcasted and are awaiting for the star to comment the allegations.

The British MI5 also announced an investigation to determine if an impostor could have indeed posed for 48 years as the Member of the Order of the British Empire, Sir James Paul McCartney, during official ceremonies involving Queen Elizabeth II.

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Old 03-03-2015, 09:01 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Paul played here last summer. He did like 2 hours and was fantastic. What are the chances of a guy looking JUST LIKE Paul McCartney and being an incredible bass/ guitar player/ singer?

I want this to be true though. Just so they take the 50 million back from that one-legged thief Heather Mills
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Old 03-03-2015, 09:04 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Honestly, the picture on the right looks more to me like the guy we know as Paul.

These pictures from 1966 show the great resemblance between Paul McCartney on the left,
and William Shears Campbell on the right, at the time of McCartney’s alleged death.
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Old 03-04-2015, 06:45 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by giupviecfree View Post
opinions and thoughts I similar you. I liked guy Paul McCartney
Fuck you? And welcome?
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Old 03-12-2015, 01:46 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Last twitter post on Terry Pratchett's account

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Old 03-14-2015, 08:05 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Bride Walks Out Of Wedding After Groom Fails Her Math Test

I thought it was gonna be some crazy unreasonable Indian math problem but the guy is a fucking idiot. Be right back, I have to go ask my boyfriend something now...

Also, more importantly, PALcahol has been approved by the FDA. I remember KATG talking about this ages and ages ago.

Last edited by iheartnihilism; 03-14-2015 at 08:28 AM. Reason: booze
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Old 03-18-2015, 06:53 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Ex MFA writing tutor opens up a collective can of critical whoop-ass on his former students, causing social media to shit itself:

Things I Can Say About MFA Writing Programs Now That I No Longer Teach in One - Books - The Stranger
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Old 03-18-2015, 10:45 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Old 03-19-2015, 11:18 AM   #59 (permalink)
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Police: Pregnant woman's fetus cut from womb when she answers Craigslist ad
By Faith Karimi, CNN
Updated 11:13 AM ET, Thu March 19, 2015

Story highlights
Police ID woman charged with murder, assault and child abuse
The unborn baby did not survive, officials say
Police: The victim went to suspect's home to buy baby clothes advertised on Craigslist
(CNN)A stranger stabbed a pregnant woman who answered a Craigslist ad and cut her fetus from the womb, authorities said

Police say the woman who placed the ad offering baby clothes for sale, Dynel Lane, 34, attacked the victim in Longmont, Colorado, on Wednesday.

Lane is charged with attempted first-degree murder, first-degree assault, and child abuse knowingly/recklessly resulting in death, Longmont Police Cmdr. Jeff Satur said.

It's expected that bond will be set at Lane's first court appearance, scheduled for Thursday afternoon at the Boulder County Jail, he said.

Authorities responding to a call heard a woman inside a home screaming for help, Satur said.

When officers entered the home, they found the 26-year-old pregnant woman with stab wounds in the abdomen. She told them her fetus was cut out of her womb, authorities said. The victim was seven months pregnant, CNN affiliate KMGH reported, citing police.

"She was assaulted and stabbed, and her baby was removed," Satur said.

The victim was transported to Longmont United Hospital, where she had surgery and is expected to survive.

"She is alert, answering questions and is with family," Satur said.

Police said the suspect arrived at the hospital with the fetus at the same time as the victim, claiming a miscarriage. The unborn baby did not survive.

The name of the victim has not been released, but police said she did not know her attacker. Detectives are searching the home of the suspect.

Longmont police are asking anyone who may have responded to a Craigslist ad for baby clothes, posted by "D" or "Dynel," or perhaps traveled to her home on Green Place in Longmont, to call (303) 651-8523.

A growing number of police stations have started offering "safe zones" for online sellers and buyers to conduct their transactions after recent deaths linked to the classified ads website.

In January, Elrey "Bud" Runion and his wife, June, were killed in Georgia when they went to look at a vintage car they'd asked to purchase through an ad on Craigslist. The man who apparently responded to their ad, claiming to have a car to sell, has been charged with murder.

Last edited by Paraquat; 03-20-2015 at 06:58 AM.
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Old 03-19-2015, 12:55 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
You're on time out.
I didn't carve the baby out of her?
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