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Old 05-23-2011, 02:28 PM   #1 (permalink)
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San Francisco

Hey guys im going to san francisco friday may 27th(my birthday) I have a few questions hopefully someone can help me.

1. Weather I saw its 60 most of the year in may is that shorts weather or pants weather. I was there last in march of 09 and remember seeing shorts but dont remember exactly what the weather was like.

2. Places not to miss. Im staying in the financial district close to embarcadero like two blocks over. Im not renting a car cabs or trolly everywhere.

3. If it is warm is there a batter or closer beach than santa cruz?

Thanks for your help
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Old 05-23-2011, 02:54 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Being from LA, I always freeze when I go to SF. If you're from somewhere like Alaska, or if there is still snow on the ground then maybe SF could be considered to be shorts weather. Otherwise, pack a pair or two of shorts, but count on it being cold and miserable the entire time. The way the bay is shaped makes the marine layer a near-constant companion.

SF is a great city for a food lover. Check yelp for the little hole-in-the-wall places that the locals love. As for bigger restaurants, I recommend at least one trip to The Stinking Rose.

Honestly, try to stay away from the tourist traps at the Embarcadero, they're always covered in white people from Nebraska and all their damn annoying children. It's really easy to get around without a car, in fact when you have a car you end up walking more than without once since there's never any parking anywhere.
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Old 05-23-2011, 03:00 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Try to stay away from all the hookers. Don't buy any acid from a dude on a street corner (they have cameras). Don't play and card games with money on the boardwalk. Do check out the pier.

Also, you and my only brother share the same birthday.
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Old 05-23-2011, 03:23 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Your brother is a awesome dude. Tell him happy birthday. Hope he gets a lot of head.

Originally Posted by Diglass View Post
Try to stay away from all the hookers. Don't buy any acid from a dude on a street corner (they have cameras). Don't play and card games with money on the boardwalk. Do check out the pier.

Also, you and my only brother share the same birthday.
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Old 05-23-2011, 07:53 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I work in SF everyday. Usually pants, rarely shorts.

If you like art n' shit the SFMOMA is pretty cool with a garden rooftop. AT&T park is the shiz if you want to see a giants game. Golden Gate Bridge for sure.

FOOD: You must get the CRISPY tacos at La Taqueria on 25th and mission (BART there to 24th and walk a block). Best fucking tacos in America. Hands down. Your mind will be blown.

(You know I'm serious, because I'm a hardcore lurker)
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Old 05-23-2011, 08:25 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I spent about a month there before around June, and found it to be incredibly warm, but I'm very hot blooded and am basically from Canada, so your mileage may vary.

Oh, and this:

Originally Posted by Diglass View Post
Do check out the pier.
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Old 05-23-2011, 03:21 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I live in Cincinnati so while it was 66 yesterday evening its 100% humidity so its shorts weather. My girl is planning some of the trip but I get full veto power. Well see what we get into. I dont find yelp very helpful maybe cause i dont live in a big tech city.

Originally Posted by marina View Post
Being from LA, I always freeze when I go to SF. If you're from somewhere like Alaska, or if there is still snow on the ground then maybe SF could be considered to be shorts weather. Otherwise, pack a pair or two of shorts, but count on it being cold and miserable the entire time. The way the bay is shaped makes the marine layer a near-constant companion.

SF is a great city for a food lover. Check yelp for the little hole-in-the-wall places that the locals love. As for bigger restaurants, I recommend at least one trip to The Stinking Rose.

Honestly, try to stay away from the tourist traps at the Embarcadero, they're always covered in white people from Nebraska and all their damn annoying children. It's really easy to get around without a car, in fact when you have a car you end up walking more than without once since there's never any parking anywhere.
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