Latest Episode

Hang Out with Me

Hang Out with Me
In which you (human listener) get to (but don't have to) hang out with (that is to say, listen to) comedian Myq Kaplan (pronounced "Mike Kaplan," I know! I agree with the way you feel about it!) as he hangs out with (that is to say, talks to) other humans in ways that are meaningful, fun, both, or neither. (But probably not neither.)

75: Brofessional Handball

Myq hangs out with Sara Faith Alterman and Christian Polanco on the KATG Network July 8, 2013

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Show Notes

  • — The Coldest Open: Myq welcomes his guests Christian Polanco and Sara Faith Alterman to the show
  • — In Hahvahd Yahd: Myq and Sara talk about a parking mishap Myq made when they used to date in Boston
  • — Hand Me Downs: Christian's older brother is a professional handball player and the oldest son of an immigrant family; Christian sometimes finds himself trying to escape his brother's gigantic shadow
  • — Field Research: Sara is a published author, whose second book — about a depressed comedian — came out while she was still dating Myq, which leads to a discussion about dating comedians
  • — Billions Of Women: Myq offers some choice dating tips to his listeners, like be yourself (especially if yourself is Myq Kaplan)
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