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2988: Loose Cannon w/ Mike Cannon

Military dogs and comedy for the troops; challenging masculinity; drugs and alcohol; family fights; tumultuous college years November 30, 2018

Show Notes

  • — A Skit With The Dog: We have Mike Cannon in studio recounting his experience getting bitten multiple times by a military dog while performing comedy for overseas American troops
  • — Agro: Keith and Mike discuss what challenges their masculinity
  • — Irish Goodbye: Mike discusses his relationship and history with drugs and alcohol
  • — This Isn’t Real: Mike gives his experience of Keith and Kyle’s fight when she was abroad, and Keith knows how to fix the strain between her and her son
  • — Bane Checked: Mike recounts his tumultuous college years where he got in a fistfight with his father, got a ticket for underage drinking, and played illegal poker


Mike CannonMike Cannon

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