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Old 05-09-2016, 11:00 AM   #1 (permalink)
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137: Kerryn's a Bitch

Kerryn confronts Chrissie Mayr for "being a ditz." Myka accidentally wakes up stoned.

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Old 05-09-2016, 08:51 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Wow that was uncomfortable. Kerryn's the ultimate mean girl. Team Chrissie.
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Old 05-09-2016, 09:13 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Yikes. Maybe since I'm not a comic/artist and don't rely heavily on FB for communication with my people, I don't understand how a one sentence comment on a share could be THAT embarrassing to either parities involved. I do get how it could be a slight to the subject in question, but it did't seem that calculated or underhanded. Seriously, I feel like most people don't think twice before posting the dumbest shit on FB... 1 like = 1 prayer!

It was entertaining (video is a must watch), but it felt nit-picky and very overblown. I appreciate trying to get Chrissy on the phone so she could be in the conversation, but she definitely got ambushed, and I can't imagine having to go back to a work meeting after that. Love you, Kerryn but you are, in fact, a bitch. At least everyone agreed on that point. Honestly, I just hope she doesn't any ill feeling toward Chemda after all this :/ Looking forward to Chrissy on the next ep!
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Last edited by lalalemon; 05-09-2016 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 05-09-2016, 11:45 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Ugh. I wish I would have not listened to this episode. I've enjoyed every episode with Kerryn so far and was stoked to see her name pop up as guest for today's episode. Her sense of humor is unique and keeps me laughing. But this came across as a total Mean Girls episode. What a bitch move. This was absolutely an ambush phone call and not fair to Chrissie at all. There was no discussion. It was an attack and obviously about so much more than some Facebook post. Sure. I get irritated at Facebook all of the time and cut people out of my social media life, but I wouldn't ever publicly ridicule and call a friend dumb.

Blah. So bummed.

I've enjoyed Chrissie's episodes and also hope that she doesn't hold this against the show.
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Old 05-10-2016, 04:48 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Love Kerryn. Going to pretend this was a bit.
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Old 05-10-2016, 06:11 AM   #6 (permalink)
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This totally didn't go into the direction I expected.

I obviously don't know PR mode facebook etiquette but I would have expected that when you post about somebody you as the original poster were supposed to tag the person anyway; e.g. "My friend XYZ is publishing a book woohooo so proud see article attached"
So when I first heard the story I though Kerryn was mad because she didn't do that and Chrissie passive agressively pointed that out by commenting?

After Kerryn explained what her problem was I get it (yes everybody should do a minimum level of research like at least clicking on a link, I'm mad about people asking stupid questions like that as well) but there must have been quite a bit of bubbling drama in the past for that to explode in this way.

Kerryn I love you being bitchy and you and Myka were so amazing during KATG weekend in April but wow this epiosde was harsh.
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Old 05-10-2016, 08:09 PM   #7 (permalink)
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She was being petty and bitchy in my opinion. But more importantly, GET THE GODDAMN FOOD OUT OF YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU ARE ON THE MIC. I never post in the forums but I had to comment. I wanted to scream it through my ipod. The mouth full of food was harder to listen to than the catty behavior.
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Old 05-10-2016, 10:57 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Don't understand the "I love you, but..." sentiments. Maybe she's just a bitch?

So it's okay for her to be dumb and fuck up her taxes and "borrow" money from boyfriends, but all of her friends have to stay within 'Kerryn's standards for what to post on Facebook.' Maybe Chrissie did write jokes about being in an ambulance with Kerryn, but I doubt she called her out by name and went on podcasts or was on stage like "Hey guys, my drunk stupid idiot of a friend Kerryn was black-out drunk again. Can you believe it? This bitch! -- Oh shit, Kerryn's in the audience. Hey Kerryn, c'mon up here and tell us about what a dumb alcoholic moron you are and your stupid tattoo!"
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Old 05-11-2016, 02:43 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Kerryn is an unlikeable asshole.

Such egomaniacal bullshit! This was some of the most cringe-worthy podcasting I've ever witnessed. It was obvious from the seat squirming and long silences that Myka and Chemda were not on board with what their girl Kerryn was trying to whip up as some sort of legitimate stance to excuse her distorted, shitty response to an innocent FB reply. This was nothing more than some vile, high school bullying where Kerryn's the loudest asshole and Myka and Chemda know she's in the wrong, but don't really call her out and shut her shit show down. I appreciate you, Chemda, for trying to steer this ship into reasonable waters, but you know that was some fucked up bullshit she was spewing.

And Kerryn trying to excuse her bratty, dismissive behavior by wrapping herself in the feminist flag was really sickening. "What? Just because we're two women, we can't argue? That makes you uncomfortable?" No. Degrading and insulting a woman publicly over NOTHING. That makes me uncomfortable.

As to what's EMBARRASSING? Embarrassing is being in your 30's and so insecure about how others perceive you that you would attempt to humiliate and throw away a friendship over some petty Facebook nonsense. Worrying that people will judge YOU based on what SOMEONE ELSE posts on your Facebook wall? THAT is embarrassing. Newsflash: Nobody cares what someone else writes on your wall. We're all too wrapped up in our own shit.

I really felt for Chrissie who sounded legitimately hurt and sad and confused.
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Old 05-11-2016, 09:51 PM   #10 (permalink)
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After more thought on this i think a valid interpretation goes like this:

Kerryn got overly annoyed by a perceived bit of ditziness in Christi's post. When questioned about it she attempted to justify it and went deeper and deeper defending her indefensible position. It culminated in the total awkwardness of that phone call in which even Kerryn admitted that it made her want to cry.

So I guess we'll let Kerryn save face and not have to admit that she over reacted. We do love her either way.
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