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Old 11-26-2005, 12:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
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179: Fuck the Family Friday

"Crazy. White. People."
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Old 11-26-2005, 12:57 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Keith
Show Coming Saturday
Great show again! I wanted to mention that the sound was really good tonight. I don't know if you did something different, or maybe it's my end, but either way, it was good.
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Old 11-26-2005, 06:39 AM   #3 (permalink)
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So that thing about the Adam Curry action figures, I call bullshit. That's just some guy's blog, it looks like he's just made up that whole story. Check out the front page, it's full of bogus stories. It made for some funny discussion on KATG today, though.

On the plus side, this misunderstanding might be the catalyst for that KATG vs D&D vendetta everyone's been waiting for.
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Old 11-26-2005, 09:18 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I thought everyone knew that black people and white people are the same?

Black people steal from their neighbours and kill their employees in drive-by shootings.

White people steal from their employees and kill their neighbours and store the body parts in the freezer.

Chinese and Japanese don't have time to steal. They are too busy running restaurants and fighting in the streets with cleavers and nunchaku.

Same goes for Arabs. All that oppressing women and making homemade explosives keeps a man busy.
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Old 11-26-2005, 10:48 AM   #5 (permalink)
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i was sorely disappointed in this show, it just didn't have that special thing. i can't really explain why, it just didn't do it for me. Fumi complains about how Keith misrepresents blacks and then comes on and misrepresents white people, i'm going to say that i like keith and chemda's "pretend black" friends better.
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Old 11-26-2005, 12:25 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Post Blacks & Jews background

The American Jewish community and the civil rights movement
Most of the American Jewish community tacitly or actively supported the civil rights movement. Many of the co-founders of the NAACP were Jewish; many of its members and activists came from the Jewish community. The great majority of American Jews who were active in promoting civil rights were secular Jews, Reform Jews and Conservative Jews.

A large number of Jewish philanthropists actively supported the NAACP and various civil rights group, and schools for African-Americans. The Jewish philanthropist Julius Rosenwald funded the creation of dozens of primary schools, secondary schools and colleges for disenfranchised black youth. He personally gave, and led the Jewish community in giving to, some 2,000 schools for black Americans. This list includes Howard, Dillard and Fisk universities. At one time some forty percent of southern blacks were learning at these schools.

Jewish Americans were many times more likely to be actively involved in the civil rights movement than any other group in America, except the black community itself. Jews made up nearly half of the volunteers involved in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer. While only making up 2% of the population, some 50% of the civil rights lawyers who worked in the south, sometimes risking their lives, were Jewish.

Leaders of the Reform Movement were arrested with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1964 after a challenge to racial segregation in public accommodations. Most famously, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel marched arm-in-arm with Dr. King in his 1965 March on Selma. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were drafted in the conference room of Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, under the aegis of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, which for decades was located in the Center.

The PBS television show From Swastika to Jim Crow discusses Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement, demonstrating that Jewish survivors of the Holocaust came to teach at many American schools, and reached out to black students

Thus, in the 1930s and '40s when Jewish refugee professors arrived at Southern Black Colleges, there was a history of overt empathy between Blacks and Jews, and the possibility of truly effective collaboration. Professor Ernst Borinski organized dinners at which Blacks and Whites would have to sit next to each other - a simple yet revolutionary act. Black students empathized with the cruelty these scholars had endured in Europe and trusted them more than other Whites. In fact, often Black students - as well as members of the Southern White community - saw these refugees as "some kind of colored folk."

The American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, and Anti-Defamation League became active in promoting civil rights. Several people believe that Civil Rights was successful only because of Jewish participation and the anti-semitic attitudes that were displayed in the south during the movement. Feeling guilty about World War II, several Northern Whites began to see validity in ending segregation due to the anti-semitism displayed by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

The Jewish community however was not sparred from violence that Blacks acted reactively on. Jews owned many stores and businesses inside some African American neighborhoods in both northern and southern states. In some cities a number of black riots were blamed by some on the existence of Jewish business owners.

As Black Power and influence from the nascent Nation of Islam (NOI) grew, Anti-Semitism also grew. NOI leaders Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X openly preached not only anti-white racism, but also anti-Semitism. (In later years Malcom X renounced all racist teachings of the NOI, and was later murdered by NOI members.)

By the 1980s the Jewish community began to be perceived as abandoning its committment to rights by many in the African-American community, despite the broad alliance of social goals that continued to exist between these two communities. Both groups continuted to support civil rights, especially equality of education in public elementary, middle and high schools. Both groups continued to support increased black colleges, scholarships for blacks in traditioanlly white colleges, and recruitment of black students for careers in which blacks were traditionally under-represented. Both communities continued to actively support government programs which reached out to the black community to bring blacks into business, government and industriy.
Individuals who stood up for what is right
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Old 11-26-2005, 02:01 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Jews have had it worse...

not in America, yet, but throughout history. The incredible obstacles the African Americans have overcome and still need to overcome represent only a flash in the pan if viewed in a historical context.

There is a reason why there are so few Jews in the world
Jews make up a full 0.2% of the world population 13,000,000 Jews /6,500,000,000 World Population

Jews make up 1.7% of the US population 5.2 million Jews/298 million Americans

I think that Fumi's statement of "whoa to the Jews" is also indicative of just how bad the situation is. Throughout history Jews have been persecuted and it looks like Jews will continue to be discriminated against, as people find it ok and justifiable to make comments like that:

If you think Jews complain for nothing read about the following:

circa 305 AD it begins...
The Justinian Code a century later stripped Jews of many of their rights, and Church councils throughout the sixth and seventh century, including the Council of Orleans, further enforced anti-Jewish provisions. These restrictions began as early as 305, when, in Elvira, (now Granada), a Spanish town in Andalusia, the first known laws of any church council against Jews appeared. Christian women were forbidden to marry Jews unless the Jew first converted to Catholicism. Jews were forbidden to extend hospitality to Catholics. Jews could not keep Catholic christian concubines and were forbidden to bless the fields of Catholics. In 589, in Catholic Spain, the Third Council of Toledo ordered that children born of marriage between Jews and Catholic be baptized by force. A policy of forced conversion of all Jews was initiated. Thousands fled, and thousands of others converted to Roman Catholicism.
fast forward 1,000 years...
The mobs accompanying the first three Crusades attacked the Jewish communities in Germany, France, and England, and put many Jews to death. Entire communities, like those of Treves, Speyer, Worms, Mayence, and Cologne, were slain during the first Crusade by a mob army. About 12,000 Jews are said to have perished in the Rhenish cities alone between May and July, 1096.

As the Black Death epidemics devastated Europe in the mid-14th century, rumors spread that Jews caused it by deliberately poisoning wells. Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed by violence. "Never mind that Jews were not immune from the ravages of the plague; they were tortured until they "confessed" to crimes that they could not possibly have committed. In one such case, a man named Agimet was ... coerced to say that Rabbi Peyret of Chambery (near Geneva) had ordered him to poison the wells in Venice, Toulouse, and elsewhere. In the aftermath of Agimets "confession," the Jews of Strasbourg were burned alive on February 14, 1349.

Jews were subject to a wide range of legal restrictions throughout the Middle Ages, some of which lasted until the end of the 19th century. Jews were excluded from many trades, the list of excluded occupations varying in different communities, and being determined largely by the political influence of various non-Jewish competing interests. Frequently all occupations were barred against Jews, except money-lending and peddlingeven these at times being prohibited. The number of Jews or Jewish families permitted to reside in different places was limited; they were concentrated in ghettos, and were not allowed to own land; and they were subjected to discriminatory taxes on entering cities or districts other than their own, forced to swear special Jewish Oaths, and a variety of other measures, including restrictions on dress
After being persecuted throughout the Middle Ages, perhaps Jews will catch a break during the Renaissance...ya think?
Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk and an ecclesiastical reformer whose teachings inspired the Reformation has been accused of anti-Semitism primarily in relation to his statements about Jews in his book On the Jews and their Lies, which describes the Jews in extremely harsh terms, excoriating them, and providing detailed recommendation for a pogrom against them and their permanent oppression and/or expulsion.
Wait! I am sure people started to understand that Jews are just human beings during the Industrial Era...
Pogroms were a form of race riots, most commonly Russia and Eastern Europe, aimed specifically at Jews and often government sponsored. Pogroms became endemic during a large-scale wave of anti-Jewish riots that swept southern Russia in 1881, after Jews were wrongly blamed for the assassination of Tsar Alexander II. In the 1881 outbreak, thousands of Jewish homes were destroyed, many families reduced to extremes of poverty; women sexually assaulted, and large numbers of men, women, and children killed or injured in 166 Russian towns. The new czar, Alexander III, blamed the Jews for the riots and issued a series of harsh restrictions on Jews. Large numbers of pogroms continued until 1884, with at least tacit inactivity by the authorities. An even bloodier wave of pogroms broke out in 1903-1906, leaving an estimated 2,000 Jews dead, and many more wounded. A final large wave of 887 pogroms in Russia and the Ukraine occurred during the Russian Revolution of 1917, in which between 70,000 to 250,000 civilian Jews were killed by riots led by various sides.

During the early to mid-1900s, pogroms also occurred in Poland, Argentina, and throughout the Arab world. Extremely deadly pogroms also occurred during World War II, including the Romanian Iaşi pogrom in which 14,000 Jews were killed, and the Jedwabne massacre in Poland which killed between 380 and 1,600 Jews. The last mass pogrom in Europe was the post-war Kielce pogrom of 1946.
an example from more Modern times...
Originally Posted by Former US President Richard Nixon
1971: Nixon, Haldeman, and Ziegler, 4:03 P.M., Oval Office Conversation #537-4; cassette #876

NIXON: Jewish families are close, but there's this strange malignancy that seems to creep among them -- radicalism. I can imagine how the fact that Ellsberg is in this must really tear a fella like Henry to pieces -- or Garment. Just like the Rosenbergs and all that. It just has to kill them. I feel horrible about it.
ZIEGLER: Could make up an English name.
HALDEMAN: ... Rosenstein could change his name. ...
[general laughter]

ZIEGLER: It is right. It's always an "Ellsberg."
NIXON: Every one's a Jew. Ellsberg's a Jew. Halperin's a Jew.
HALDEMAN: Gelb's a Jew.
NIXON: But there are [unclear] -- Hiss was not a Jew. Very interesting thing. So few of those who engage in espionage -- are Negroes. ... In fact, very few of them become Communists. If they do, they like, they get into Angela Davis -- they're more the capitalist type. And they throw bombs and this and that. But the Negroes. -- have you ever noticed? ... Any Negro spies? HALDEMAN: Not intellectual enough, not smart enough... not smart enough to be spies.
NIXON: The Jews -- the Jews are, are born spies. You notice how many of them are just in up to their necks?
HALDEMAN: A basic deviousness.

26th May 1971 Nixon: "You know, it's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob? What is the matter with them? I suppose it is because most of them are psychiatrists."
13th of September 1971 President Richard Nixon tells Bob Haldeman: "Now here's the point, Bob. Please get the names of the Jews. You know, the big Jewish contributors to the Democrats. Could you please investigate some of the cocksuckers? That's all."
14th of September 1971 President Richard Nixon resumes the previous day's conversation with Bob Haldeman:
NIXON: What about the rich Jews? The IRS is full of Jews, Bob. HALDEMAN: What we ought to do is get a zealot who dislikes those people. NIXON: Go after them like a son of a bitch.

1st of February 1972 President Richard M. Nixon tells Bob Haldeman: "The Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards."
What happens now in the US is Jews start making fun of themselves alongside non-Jews, passively and actively reinforcing racist stereotypes of Jews. Seinfeld, Woody Allen, all kinds of self depricating humor serves to undermine a struggle for equality in the eyes of non-Jews. Instead it becomes perfectly acceptable for Fumi to dismiss thousands of years of persecution, with the statement to the effect of "oh those Jews always crying about something." And the sad thing is this is exactly why the Jews will continue to be victims throughout history. Jews are too complacent when confronted with outright discrimination.

I do not say this to detract from the struggle that African Americans CONTINUE to go through today. Blacks are only now unwinding a system which has had a secret agenda to keep them as a permanent underclass. Drugs, specifically crack, was no doubt a tool used by the American government to accomplish just that. Please refer to the Nixon quote above they don't like blacks anymore then they like jews. I think blacks' resentment of jews is a byproduct of the kind of stereotypes which racists, like Nixon, have assigned both people (Jews are clever, and devious, while Blacks are less of a threat and more of a nuissance).

My point is the only cure for racism is to mix things up as much as possible. Everyone should make sure to mate with someone from a different ethnic background. We need to work on building one race of people, (they would probably wind up being a mocha color with slanty eyes).

Powers that be want blacks to fight jews, to divide and conquer. We should always remember those who have made sacrifices to further the causes of human rights and equality for all, no matter what their backgrounds are. These are the true champions of freedom.

"deuce is a fucking asshole, and one of the best you'll come across"....stjoe
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Old 11-26-2005, 02:25 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Fumi has a she can't be black.
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Old 11-26-2005, 02:26 PM   #9 (permalink)
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dam it, you guys trying to get a degree in writing about American-Jew History
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Old 11-26-2005, 03:23 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RW
Fumi has a she can't be black.
And the job was dealing with Money. So if she does have a job, she must have Crazy white folks as clients.
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