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View Poll Results: Does Sexy Mike really enjoy his diet?
Yes 35 43.75%
No 45 56.25%
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Old 07-17-2012, 07:59 PM   #1 (permalink)
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1623: America's Got Talent

"She'll bend over backwards to please ya. Really?!"

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Old 07-17-2012, 08:20 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I never even explained my diet. I only explained 1 particular dish that I like. Are you asking "Is it possible that Mike actually likes cottage cheese?" Is it so unfathomable that a person enjoys a food that you don't particularly enjoy?

Never mind the fact that I'm not even currently on a "diet" and haven't been since June 1st.
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Old 07-17-2012, 10:16 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I'm assuming Mike puts the fruit in his cottage cheese which sounds like something I would enjoy. Not everyday but I could think of worse things to eat.

You peeps could have called this show "To catch a predator" due to the discussion of Chemda's baby-sitter.
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Old 07-17-2012, 10:25 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I believe Mike is following, IIFYM (if it fits your macros). Which is a very sound way to diet. You just figure out the macro nutrients (carbs, fats and protein) that your body needs then eat whatever you want as long as it meets those criteria. You supplement your micro-nutrients, with multivitamins. Doing this alone would probably be enough to get most people fit (at least ascetically), exercises just makes the process a lot easier. My explanation is sort of a bastardization of the term but it gives you the gist. The problem for most Americans is they not only eat anything but they eat crazy amounts of anything, duh.
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Old 07-17-2012, 10:59 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by invader View Post
I believe Mike is following, IIFYM (if it fits your macros). Which is a very sound way to diet. You just figure out the macro nutrients (carbs, fats and protein) that your body needs then eat whatever you want as long as it meets those criteria. You supplement your micro-nutrients, with multivitamins. Doing this alone would probably be enough to get most people fit (at least ascetically), exercises just makes the process a lot easier. My explanation is sort of a bastardization of the term but it gives you the gist. The problem for most Americans is they not only eat anything but they eat crazy amounts of anything, duh.
I do follow IIFYM and that is a pretty sound description of it. All food is simply a composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (and alcohols). The actual food itself is completely irrelevant. Your body both doesn't know and doesn't care what food you give it. It simply requires proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to survive. Any which way you acquire those three macronutrients are up to you and your taste buds.

This sounds radical to the layman who has been purposefully miseducated by fitness, health food and supplement companies in order to peddle their wares. They want you to believe that the only way to lose weight is through Slim-Fast, or Lean Cuisine, or using Jillian Michael's workout program. They'd have you believe that if you want to lose weight you need to only be eating chicken, broccoli and brown rice but that simply isn't true in the slightest. There are lots of reasons to eat chicken, broccoli and brown rice but they are not the only roads to weight loss. You literally can eat nothing but chocolate cake and lose significant amounts of weight.

It's a good policy in life to scrutinize the information given to you by salesmen.

Last edited by Astigos; 07-17-2012 at 11:06 PM.
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:34 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Yeah I’m constantly using IIFYM, the last time I seriously tried to implement it I did the math and at the time I figured, with my (then) current workout routine I would need 700+ grams of carbs a day just to maintain my energy level. I gave it a try for about a week, but I just can’t eat that much a day. But honestly all “diets” work; Paleo, Kateo, hell slim fast or weight watchers work as long as you stick with it and are consistent with exercise. Its just about finding the one that is right for you and can fit your daily life. I have to say though that IIFYM seems to be the most malleable that I’ve found in a long time, it just takes a lot of planning and some number crunching ability. But once you’ve got it mapped out its pretty much smooth sailing. It's not the soda, its not the cheese burger or fries or bread. Its the person. If a person wants to be fat they'll find an excuse.
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:46 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by invader View Post
Yeah I’m constantly using IIFYM, the last time I seriously tried to implement it I did the math and at the time I figured, with my (then) current workout routine I would need 700+ grams of carbs a day just to maintain my energy level. I gave it a try for about a week, but I just can’t eat that much a day. But honestly all “diets” work; Paleo, Kateo, hell slim fast or weight watchers work as long as you stick with it and are consistent with exercise. Its just about finding the one that is right for you and can fit your daily life. I have to say though that IIFYM seems to be the most malleable that I’ve found in a long time, it just takes a lot of planning and some number crunching ability. But once you’ve got it mapped out its pretty much smooth sailing. It's not the soda, its not the cheese burger or fries or bread. Its the person. If a person wants to be fat they'll find an excuse.
Do you mean 700 grams or 700 calories of carbs a day? If it's the former that would seem to imply you ran like 10 miles a day.

Yes all diets work for fat loss so long as they're causing you to live in a caloric deficit. If you eat/drank nothing but slim fast and you ended up with a caloric deficit you absolutely will lose weight. It's not the slim fast, however, that would make you lose weight. It is simply that you do not have enough energy and so your body begins to use its fat stores to make up the deficit. Thinking that some chocolate drink is miraculously causing the fat loss is a fallacy. A slim fast is just liquid calories which is a little fat, a moderate amount of protein, A LOT of carbs and is likely fortified with vitamins and minerals.
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Old 07-18-2012, 12:31 AM   #8 (permalink)
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The Newsroom - Opening Scene (Wow!) - YouTube

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Old 07-18-2012, 06:25 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Keith should start retweeting the AGT comedian. Is that too mean?

I would need 700+ grams of carbs a day... I just can’t eat that much a day.
Were you trying to gain weight? If you were trying to lose and you can't eat as much carb as you calculated then you would just lose a bit faster?
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:19 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Those rap battle judges were trippin' giving that guy the prize over Lauren. He had a nice enough flow but all he was doing was rapping about food. Lauren had an equally nice flow and destroyed him lyrically.

Nevermind going after Chemda's babysitter, somebody has to take out the motherfuckers who denied the true champion the crown.
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