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View Poll Results: Would you let your man do The Couch Experiment?
Yes 16 24.24%
No 8 12.12%
I don't have a man 42 63.64%
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Old 08-14-2013, 03:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
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1831: Is This Couch Taken?

with Kunal Arora

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Last edited by Marisela; 08-15-2013 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 08-14-2013, 07:44 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I can imagine somebody dating a person with a kid. And they break up but they still want to hang with the kid.
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Old 08-15-2013, 02:14 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Kunal Arora: A New Kind Of Feminism in the Pejorative

Couch surfing is tricky and there is an etiquette to it. This is why it's called 'surfing.' You have to delicately balance your broke-ass so as not to offend couch owner.

Do: vacuum the house, take out garbage, mow the lawn, make yourself scarce (IE don't lounge around house all day) show that you are attempting a job and/ or working. If there are roommates of your 'buddy' who is letting you crash there; offer to chip in on electric. The worst is when a couch surfer becomes a burden and causes rift between friend and other roommates.

Don't: do anything that Kunal Arora is doing! This guy is a complete leech. As interesting as his couch surfing idea is; I was totally disgusted at his manipulation of a single mother.

Who is kidding who?

"It's her kid" Well yeah, shit-head, but you're dating her and thus 'the kid' is in your life as well. Single parents are package deals.

Do you pay anything? "Well, I have to party" There is nothing worse than some dude getting high or drunk and then going to his girlfriend's house to get laid, waking the kid. Hey little 6 yr old girl, this is what mommies do, allow strange men w/ no intention of helping in any way, come over drunk or high and fuck mom... Ugh. It's fucking gross.

"The goal is not to ask mom for help" Does this twit not see that he has merely swapped his mother; for a single mother?

Keith and Chemda asked some really great questions and I appreciate this scumbag motherfucker (re-read that word motherfucker and wonder why it is used as a pejorative) this con-artist coming on and expounding upon why it's ok that he's completely ruining not only some woman's life, but a little 6 yr old girl's as well.
ThePinkSuperhero and Piscean like this.

Last edited by Enunciated Piffle; 08-15-2013 at 09:33 AM. Reason: Kunal disgusts me; I wanted to be clear
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Old 08-15-2013, 02:26 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Similarly to Keith not understanding how some religious people can write off other superstitions requiring faith instead of facts, I'm baffled by Atheists who believe in anything mystical. To me, if you're atheist you follow a scientific explanation of everything, not just how the universe was created. This is why I was a bit put off with some of the talk about things like astrology lately, so it was great to hear Chemda's summary of it all today. Aces 10+

Keith's questions about the girlfriend's kid are justified. I dated a woman for two years and her kid was 6 months at the start and 2.5 by the end of the relationship. It definitely felt like I broke up with both of them and I would hear from other people that the kid missed me and asked about me. That was more heartbreaking then ditching the woman.

Nice subtle dig at Danny during the couch sleep talk too, Keith. Even funnier when the guest said the closest he got to the floor was an air mattress.

Last edited by WittyReference; 08-15-2013 at 02:30 AM.
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Old 08-15-2013, 02:56 AM   #5 (permalink)
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When Kunal mentioned being a prick on internet forums as a way of letting off steam, I felt that the little brown bastard was talking right to me.

What a stupid curry eating fuckwit. He should fucking go back to his own country. Or at the very least, his own vindaloo and semen stained couch.

Good ep
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Old 08-15-2013, 05:26 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I really enjoyed the episode, but I was waiting for Keith and Chemda to ask Kunal what he spent his money on over the last five months. He starts off the episode by saying he spent his rent money because “you have to ball” and party. Then he goes on to explain that he quit paying rent 5 months ago (March). Then he says he quit drinking 200+ days ago (sometime in January). Then he says he quit smoking in November. The whole time he wasn’t paying rent he wasn’t smoking or drinking.

What the hell was he doing with his money that made him such a baller?
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Old 08-15-2013, 09:37 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Scumhook View Post
When Kunal mentioned being a prick on internet forums as a way of letting off steam, I felt that the little brown bastard was talking right to me.
Scummy, I love you. Never change.
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Old 08-15-2013, 10:48 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Kunal is really interesting, funny, and articulate. He's putting himself in a position where it's very easy to judge him, but we couldn't do that if he wasn't so open about it. I'm really glad that KatG didn't let him off the hook in calling him out on some of the burning questions that we all have, but would normally not ask due to some sort of courtesy.
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Old 08-15-2013, 12:52 PM   #9 (permalink)
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In this world, you have two kinds; the leavers and the takers.

Kunal is a taker. Just because he's hiding behind the delusion of creating art doesn't change the fact he's doing very egregious (outstandingly bad) acts of selfish intent. Taking purely out of selfish intentions. Taking with no intention of giving back. Taking because others are so giving.

Kunal is smart and that is what upsets me most. He is fully capable; he just doesn't give a shit. He rationalizes his involvement with the woman and the child to suit his and ONLY his needs. I have a ton of single mom friends. I witness this gross, just really vile behavior of men, all the times. It' incredibly destructive.

A man exploring this realm of taking will not end well.

Offer Kunal $50 to change his name to another taker familiar to the KatG community.

'John Petrie' sounds more appropriate. Definitely less ethnic...
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Old 08-15-2013, 12:55 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I think my ex-SIL is the female version of Kunal. She doesn't defend it by saying she's an artist, though, she's just a drunk. But she's lived with five different guys since abandoning my brother and their kids two years ago. She hooks up with them for a place to live for a few months, then they get sick of her mooching and kick her out and she hooks up with another guy. She's a taker, too.
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