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View Poll Results: Queers only: Do you go to a "church" whose teachings do not support your LGBT rights?
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Old 10-21-2014, 12:08 AM   #1 (permalink)
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2072: Foreshadowing

With Dylan Marron – Welcome to Night Vale; The KATG Spoiler Controversy; how men propose to one another; gay bullying; Monica Lewinsky’s woes; supporting the church while being gay

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Old 10-21-2014, 02:42 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Dear Listener

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Old 10-21-2014, 05:06 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Enunciated Piffle View Post
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Old 10-21-2014, 05:37 AM   #4 (permalink)
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respect The Mitten. I couldn't be clearer.

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Old 10-21-2014, 07:36 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Finally found myself on chemdas side of an argument. Very unforgiving and rough on poor Monica. If the roles were reversed and it were a woman in power, nobody would wonder at all why the younger guy would do the bangin. Not a nice double standard. She was a young girl looking to make a memory.
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Old 10-21-2014, 09:15 AM   #6 (permalink)
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squee! a really fucking cool set designer turned me onto Welcome to Nightvale this summer. holy ball craps, you guys. i am way jazzed to get into this one. this has been an exceptional year for guests.


Last edited by Sparrow; 10-21-2014 at 09:17 AM.
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Old 10-21-2014, 05:38 PM   #7 (permalink)
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"...she will be wearing a blue dress."

I can see Chemda and Dylan's point. I mean, Monica was an aspiring political person, in the Nation's capital, and working for the most powerful person in the world: The President. If you look at what other mistresses have said, (take JFK's for example) they all say the same thing. It doesn't matter how virginal or prudent you are. When the President Kennedy asks you to blow him and then a staffer; you do it. You're mesmerized. So I think the sexism Chemda and guest alluded to is very real.

I also think Bill Clinton is a scumbag, (which is a concept liberals can't seem to embrace). He was recently on The Daily Show. Jon Stewart was silent and reverent. Hanging on every word uttered. All liberals are silent and revere this pig like he's a big fucking deal. It's gross. Keith nailed it. Both Hillary and Bill are only married for their political careers...

Although the sexism of what happened was and is very real. I just cannot listen to Monica. The woman's mantra is a tired announcement of "I'm a victim." She's endlessly trying to capitalize on a scandal and there's just no class in that. She's no activist. She's a walking talking TMZ story.

Fuck her and the blue dress an ex-Prez came in on.
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Old 10-21-2014, 06:12 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Eric M View Post
Finally found myself on chemdas side of an argument. Very unforgiving and rough on poor Monica. If the roles were reversed and it were a woman in power, nobody would wonder at all why the younger guy would do the bangin. Not a nice double standard. She was a young girl looking to make a memory.
I agree with you, but that wasn't the point being made. Chemda's point is why was Monica's carrier destroyed and not whats his name ... oh yeah, President Bill Clinton, you know the leader of the free world for 8 years. It is an utterly ridiculous argument. Bill had a deeper resume, pool of friends and colleges that he could network with. Not to mention he was the freaking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. There are presidents who have started wars that resulted in the death of millions of civilians and still had a carrier afterwards. Why would a president that cheated on his wife be any different? Monica was an intern who turned to someone whom she thought was a friend that ended up selling her out. Did she have to have skills and be highly intelligent to get into the position that she was in? Yes of course. But she had no absolutely no social credit. Bill had more social credit with literally the entire world.

Yes there is an unfair standard that we hold women up to in this country when it comes to sex, yes it needs to change. But using Monica as poster girl to prove that point hurts the issue way more than it helps. Since there are other outstanding factors that resulted in things playing out the way they did.
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Old 10-21-2014, 10:00 PM   #9 (permalink)
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How relevant is Monica?

Monica came from a small college in Portland, Oragon. So not exactly a fast-track Ivy leaguer. She could not keep her mouth shut ... a trait she shared with her confidante Linda Tripp. Tripp encouraged Monica to keep the cum-stained dress, on advice from Tripps's publicist. Tripp also recorded Monica's private conversations with her about her fling with Clinton, presumably to make money, herself.

Tripp later submitted all this evidence to the Starr investigation after Monica denied under oath that she had had a physical relationship with Clinton. This was during the Paul Jones sexual harrasment case, which settled for almost $1million.

Paula Jones case was concerning a 1991 incident, Monica's "thing" with Clinton was 1995 and the impeachment was in 1998.

Monica was moved to the Pentagon in 1996 to get her away from Clinton, and had a chance to go to the UN in 1997, which she turned down.

So she was not exactly a political genius, she blabbed about blowing the president, she took the advice of a manipulative bitch, and she did not get out while she had the chance. Boo hoo. But in the end she was treated for what she was, Clinton's human fleshlight.

With Hilary potentially running for President, whose idea is it for Monica to try to be relevant again?
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Old 10-21-2014, 11:47 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Did I miss something about the calendar? It sounded like the soccer team made a calendar of guys with their shirts off. Why would this automatically be a calendar making fun of gay people, instead of being a calendar for females?

At no point did Dylan say it was guy on guy photos, just that he thought it was homoerotic. Seemed like he was projecting.

Now, the guys that were trying to force him to buy one was way not cool, but it seems like an after thought, and not the sole reason to bring a printing contract into things at the high school level.

I was running while listening to the episode, so I sometimes miss small parts of the episodes.
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