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View Poll Results: Can you take a joke?
Yes 37 72.55%
No 14 27.45%
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Old 11-12-2015, 07:00 PM   #1 (permalink)
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2273: Can't You Take a Joke?

with Kliph Nesteroff – The Comedians exposé and joke stealing; Jackie Martling sexually harasses Chemda; Pat Dixon and Mandy Stadtmiller’s public engagement and wedding; the history of comedy and the mob; everyone hates Jackie Mason; Steven Tyler cancels Aerosmith tour for solo career

Kliph Nesteroff

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Old 11-13-2015, 01:30 AM   #2 (permalink)
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So you have him on the show multiple times including setting him up with the Hot Mess girls, and only now you're shitting on him? You've got a genuine grievance, I'm surprised this didn't come up earlier, like before you went to his house and gushed over how great it was.

I think you could call Jackie out for being an old perv without stooping to shitting on his comedy that you've promoted multiple times (maybe more than any other comic this year?).
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Old 11-13-2015, 02:54 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Well done Chemda Perfect text response to a shitty entitled sexist attitude.

When I was 18 I worked in an old man bar full of old men perverts. That frozen feeling so familiar. Then the heating up feeling when everyone else around you has moved on and you've thought of a comeback or exactly where you would kick them in the balls. Eughh.
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Old 11-13-2015, 04:13 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by John Harvey View Post
So you have him on the show multiple times including setting him up with the Hot Mess girls, and only now you're shitting on him? You've got a genuine grievance, I'm surprised this didn't come up earlier, like before you went to his house and gushed over how great it was.

I think you could call Jackie out for being an old perv without stooping to shitting on his comedy that you've promoted multiple times (maybe more than any other comic this year?).

Fucking women, so fucking irrational and unreasonable.

I'd been friends with this girl for a while, then one night we got drunk and I raped her. When I was done, she seemed upset for some reason. I said "What - can't you take a fucking joke, you uptight cunt?", and the stupid bitch carried on like I'd said something offensive.

The irony was, her cunt was anything but uptight when I'd finished with her!!!!

Bloody women. Can't live with 'em, and can't even squeeze their arses!!
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Old 11-13-2015, 06:11 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Jokes aside (take a midol, women), Kliph was a great guest. Funny as fuck, and rolled with the in-joke punches like a pro. K&C did a typically top job balancing guest stuff with KATG stuff. Fucking 11/10.

Will be buyng Kliph's book. If the book's half as good as the author, it'll be a great read.
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Old 11-13-2015, 06:27 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by John Harvey View Post
So you have him on the show multiple times including setting him up with the Hot Mess girls, and only now you're shitting on him? You've got a genuine grievance, I'm surprised this didn't come up earlier, like before you went to his house and gushed over how great it was.

I think you could call Jackie out for being an old perv without stooping to shitting on his comedy that you've promoted multiple times (maybe more than any other comic this year?).
We certainly wouldn't want to be disrespectful.

John, you're a moron. I really thought I already explained this to you, and yet you keep having your opinions.
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Old 11-13-2015, 07:17 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
We certainly wouldn't want to be disrespectful.

John, you're a moron. I really thought I already explained this to you, and yet you keep having your opinions.
You don't need to jump right to namecalling, it's a perfectly reasonable opinion. If he was always a creepy perv then why keep having him back on? Why introduce him to Andrea and Emily specifically so he can talk about their tits for an hour? If you had a relationship that can be described as friendly, then why shit on him in public? Why not just move on with your lives and cut contact, stop inviting him on and picking up the phone?

Chemda is of course bang-on with her objections to his behaviour and it sounds like she could have called him out earlier with good reason. But I think shitting on his comedy when you guys have been complimentary about him in the past makes you sound a bit hypocritical.

PS, furor(e) is indeed a word.
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Old 11-13-2015, 07:32 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Really sucks that Chemda had to go through that, but it's ALMOST worth it so that I don't have to keep hearing Jackie interrupt every other episode with some shitty joke. God those call-ins were the worst.
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Old 11-13-2015, 09:03 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by John Harvey View Post
You don't need to jump right to namecalling, it's a perfectly reasonable opinion. If he was always a creepy perv then why keep having him back on? Why introduce him to Andrea and Emily specifically so he can talk about their tits for an hour? If you had a relationship that can be described as friendly, then why shit on him in public? Why not just move on with your lives and cut contact, stop inviting him on and picking up the phone?
I'm going to take a not so wild guess here and assume money was involved in how often he called in?
I see you are VIP and that is awesome but unfortunately not everybody is able to support that way.

And I would assume he was always low level weird but a) you can't call out everybody for being weird and b) work is work
But even if work is work at some stage a tipping point is reached and blatant groping in public is simply unacceptable.

I can't comment on Andrea & Emilys show as I haven't heard it but they are very clever girls from all I've seen so even if Chemda hadn't given them a heads up (I would guess she did) they are absolutely in charge enough to decide whether they WANT to talk about their tits with somebody.

(Talking about tits is not a bad thing btw, you Americans are too weird about tits in general)
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Old 11-13-2015, 09:31 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lanfear View Post
I'm going to take a not so wild guess here and assume money was involved in how often he called in?
I see you are VIP and that is awesome but unfortunately not everybody is able to support that way.

And I would assume he was always low level weird but a) you can't call out everybody for being weird and b) work is work
But even if work is work at some stage a tipping point is reached and blatant groping in public is simply unacceptable.

I can't comment on Andrea & Emilys show as I haven't heard it but they are very clever girls from all I've seen so even if Chemda hadn't given them a heads up (I would guess she did) they are absolutely in charge enough to decide whether they WANT to talk about their tits with somebody.

(Talking about tits is not a bad thing btw, you Americans are too weird about tits in general)
So you reckon that Jackie was paying up for his calls and plugs? If so I get KATG's support a bit more then, that makes a kind of sense.
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