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View Poll Results: Have/will you see It (2017) in theaters?
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Old 09-15-2017, 01:54 AM   #1 (permalink)
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2714: It Was Bad

with Tyler Snodgrass and Danii Gallegos – Florida residents shoot the hurricane; It reviewed and Stephen King's child gang-bang examined; frat boys kidnapping; man caught masturbating watching The Emoji Movie; Sofia Vergara's battle over her eggs; the highest paid actors in Hollywood; Netflix's weed strains; chef with cancer diagnosis kills friend who introduced him to cigarettes; sober people drinking by accident; Hillary Clinton's new book; fantasy football updates; blind football players and humiliating losses; Keith's 25th high school reunion cancelled

Danii Gallegos

Tyler Snodgrass

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Old 09-15-2017, 06:36 AM   #2 (permalink)
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No Resuarant manager or gm has to tell women to dress slutty. Women are told everyday that being pretty will be rewarded-from strangers who tell us to smile pretty pretty to "friends" who call us sexy baby or pretty despite being told not to (WE KNOW YOU THINK YOU'RE IN THE FRIENDZONE, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST A FRIEND, ASSHOLE). Strangers will aslo tell us to our faces we're fat, ugly, or they don't want to fuck us (i don't remember asking...) to our cooworkers who ignore or are mean to us to show they are not attracted (we notice you treating us different from the pretty girls, we don't want to fuck you so being mean to make the point is unneccessary). the world tells us that an ugly woman is never a reward. at the end of the night the sexist pig who flirts too much with his waitress is also going to tip her better if she has eyeliner than if not, he might not be mean either. just demeaning. its harm reduction.
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some people say each snowflake is unique and different. . . but they all look the same to me.

on tumors/cancer: "God's got jokes."-Keith
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Old 09-15-2017, 09:49 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Will you feel vindicated or cheated if in It: Chapter 2 the adults reminisce about the orgy they had 27 years ago?

"Hey, remember when we were 10 and we all definitely had sex with Beverly? That definitely happened and was not all shameful, wasn't it?"
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Old 09-15-2017, 12:48 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Chemda if you would like to understand the fury and frustration with Clinton, you should stop comparing her to Trump at every turn. I have massive disdain for both of them. One has nothing to do with the other. One is a bumbling moron who played this idiot country for what it is. The other is completely wooden and lacks a personality of any kind and noone could possibly believe she gives any shits for them listening to her speak and whos forced terrible trickle down and deregulation on this country already.

The one thing that could be said for him is that however horrible he is, we might actually arrive at real progressive change if(and hopefully when) the pendulum swings back the other way. She would've put everyone back to sleep. We'd be stuck with more neoliberalism where theyre ok with social liberties but the economic divide and massive failures in our education and healthcare systems would continue to get worse.

You said you watched the young turks once. You should continue to. I encourage everyone to do the same. Quit making the same dumb mistakes of the democratic establishment and deflecting every single horrifying problem with Clinton to the fact that Trump is a monster.

I love you.
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Old 09-15-2017, 06:14 PM   #5 (permalink)
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2714: It Was Bad

Originally Posted by Eric M View Post
Chemda if you would like to understand the fury and frustration with Clinton, you should stop comparing her to Trump at every turn. I have massive disdain for both of them. One has nothing to do with the other. One is a bumbling moron who played this idiot country for what it is. The other is completely wooden and lacks a personality of any kind and noone could possibly believe she gives any shits for them listening to her speak and whos forced terrible trickle down and deregulation on this country already.

The one thing that could be said for him is that however horrible he is, we might actually arrive at real progressive change if(and hopefully when) the pendulum swings back the other way. She would've put everyone back to sleep. We'd be stuck with more neoliberalism where theyre ok with social liberties but the economic divide and massive failures in our education and healthcare systems would continue to get worse.

You said you watched the young turks once. You should continue to. I encourage everyone to do the same. Quit making the same dumb mistakes of the democratic establishment and deflecting every single horrifying problem with Clinton to the fact that Trump is a monster.

I love you.

I understand and I do criticize her. But she was not going to empower the kkk like they are now. She was not going to take LGBT rights away like he did. She was not calling Mexicans rapists.

This is being Reiterated by me because we should all be aware that that's what happened.

I trust her more than I do him and I don't trust her that much. Those became my choices and I don't like it.

Also, what Apia said.

I love you too.

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Old 09-15-2017, 08:31 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Those aren't your choices anymore. Election is long gone. I voted for her. There really is no more need to compare them. Any defense of her is a defense of the terrible political system that brought us to that shitty election. We need to reject the politics that she represents at every turn.
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Old 09-15-2017, 10:11 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Eric M View Post
Those aren't your choices anymore. Election is long gone. I voted for her. There really is no more need to compare them. Any defense of her is a defense of the terrible political system that brought us to that shitty election. We need to reject the politics that she represents at every turn.

But if it's over then why can people bring her up in a negative light?

If you say things that are bad about her that are legit I won't argue. It's just odd to me to bring up what a shitty competitor she was and then ask me to not talk about the election.

I know she's flawed. But I have a hard time with people making the comparison based on the election and/or Trump and then asking me not to.

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Old 09-16-2017, 07:45 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Girl View Post
But if it's over then why can people bring her up in a negative light?

If you say things that are bad about her that are legit I won't argue. It's just odd to me to bring up what a shitty competitor she was and then ask me to not talk about the election.

I know she's flawed. But I have a hard time with people making the comparison based on the election and/or Trump and then asking me not to.

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Chemda, she gave us Trump. You should view her in a negative light. She isn't perfect? She helped to pass NAFTA, gutted unions and simultaneously exploded the prison population with minorities and then made it illegal for them to vote. She was for fracking. She wasn't for yours and laurens rights until it became politically expedient for her. She's a right wing wolf in left wing sheep's clothing. She is scum. She is a war criminal, and uses dirty propaganda against progressives with the backing of the establishment media i.e. "Bernie Bros" and the same media propped Trump up and gave him 2 billion dollars in free airtime for the ratings legitimizing him and getting everyone to talk about him for 2 years straight because they thought they'd have no trouble beating him.

At this point I'd like to just say again I voted for her. I understood she would've been better for the country despite all this. It isn't Hillary. It's her entire backing of powerful people surrounding her, influencing her or just carrying out her orders, I wouldn't know, and I wouldn't care. The end results are the same. It's the entire branch of Washington that she represents and its bad fucking news. The next corporatist to try and win the democratic primary will not bare her name, but it will be the same people running the show. They are the enemy. Whatever Trump is, Hillary locked Bernie and progressivism away from us. Her and her people stole that choice away from us. They are the enemy.
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Old 09-16-2017, 10:06 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Re: the poll

I'm going to see Mother! today with that god awful Jennifer Lawerence. I've been reading a bit about it, about how its pretentious and meaningless but I liked that about Black Swan. I don't need a movie to be obvious. I hope it's good

Planned on seeing it (at a theater with discounted tickets) but haven't yet. I've heard mixed opinions on it.
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Old 09-16-2017, 10:42 AM   #10 (permalink)
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It's god awful and should win a Razzie. Critics that liked it feel they should say that to appear smart. They're fuckin' liars.

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