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View Poll Results: You and texting:
I related to Keith and Chemda 21 51.22%
I’m more like Cat and Xerxes 20 48.78%
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Old 06-06-2019, 06:00 PM   #1 (permalink)
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3087: Text Me Back w/ Hannah Boone and Phil Corso

The art of KATG ads; texting in a relationship; Keith’s hometown, dead cousin, and lack of family knowledge; New York Post’s Weird but true super wrap-up

Hannah Boone

Phil Corso

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Old 06-06-2019, 07:51 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I ghost while texting. One time, I texted my husband that I had fallen down the stairs and was with our friend and then didn't respond for hours. What had happened was I had slipped down the subway stairs and our friend was there and had helped me up, and I went and hung at her apartment. What he thought had happened was I slipped down our building stairway, split my head open, and was hallucinating our friend in the hallway as I bled out.
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Last edited by AstoriaGirl; 06-06-2019 at 07:55 PM.
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Old 06-06-2019, 07:59 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Bear assumes anytime i leave the house i’m basically dead until he hears from me and i happen to be the woooooorst at checking in. i try and most times he ends up calling me to allay his anxiety. mostly else our texting is him telling me i’m cute.

i can and do take a long time to reply to things. i sometimes like time to consider and chew before i speak. every now and again i take long blocks of space from talking to people. nobody is shocked or surprised at this point. i always find my way back and it never feels like any time has passed at all.
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Originally Posted by dannyhatch View Post
Maybe we should all smoosh our dicks together until the spirit bear tells us who's right.
Originally Posted by aunt_helen View Post
Laugh a little, chigger. The world is a fun place.
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Old 06-06-2019, 09:52 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I am good at responding to texts and understand when someone goes quiet that something has probably come up. If we are in mid emergency style conversation, I'll call if the reply isn't there quick enough. It's a bit presumptuous to assume the person I'm texting with is sitting down calmly with a cup of tea, only the mobile phone in front of them and not a care in the world. I guess I've ghosted when a general comment is sent to me or the answer to a question has ended our conversation. But is that ghosting? Do we need to announce that the conversation is over?

I found Chemda's annoyance with Xerxes frustrating to listen to as you can hear the paranoia and mistrust bubbling up all because of a text message. To be clear, I'm not annoyed at Chemda - just at hearing how a problem can manifest out of nothing. Xerxes asked a question, she answered... isn't that the end of that part of the conversation?

The, "I need him to see say X, Y then Z " just seems petty to me. You've known how Xerxes is with text messages via the course of your entire friendship, isn't it a little unfair to expect him to not respond the way he always has?
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Old 06-06-2019, 10:00 PM   #5 (permalink)
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my eye itched this morning. i needed Bear to say out loud it wasn’t worms or pink eye. sometimes you need your person to shout down the crazy so you can move on with your day.
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Old 06-06-2019, 10:07 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bw81 View Post
I am good at responding to texts and understand when someone goes quiet that something has probably come up. If we are in mid emergency style conversation, I'll call if the reply isn't there quick enough. It's a bit presumptuous to assume the person I'm texting with is sitting down calmly with a cup of tea, only the mobile phone in front of them and not a care in the world. I guess I've ghosted when a general comment is sent to me or the answer to a question has ended our conversation. But is that ghosting? Do we need to announce that the conversation is over?

I found Chemda's annoyance with Xerxes frustrating to listen to as you can hear the paranoia and mistrust bubbling up all because of a text message. To be clear, I'm not annoyed at Chemda - just at hearing how a problem can manifest out of nothing. Xerxes asked a question, she answered... isn't that the end of that part of the conversation?

The, "I need him to see say X, Y then Z " just seems petty to me. You've known how Xerxes is with text messages via the course of your entire friendship, isn't it a little unfair to expect him to not respond the way he always has?

Sometimes rules change after someone’s dick was in your mouth.

Also this is how we’ve always supported each other. We tell each other what we need and see if it’s necessary or possible to do.

He’s not annoyed but you are. Which is hilarious.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old 06-06-2019, 10:08 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
my eye itched this morning. i needed Bear to say out loud it wasn’t worms or pink eye. sometimes you need your person to shout down the crazy so you can move on with your day.
Totally get that, and I get those weird things too that just need said. But I don't really see how Xerxes should know that when Chemda answers a question he asked about a proposal that he has to say, "Cool. Super cool even!".

That's not a, "we've known each other for nearly 20 years and when I cut my finger and there's a small amount of blood and I make a big deal about it just let me make a big deal about it, let me show you the tissue with the blood and tell me, "poor shnookums"...

But I am assuming this has probably happened before between the two of them and if he is aware that he should respond in that situation, then that's on him.
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Old 06-06-2019, 10:19 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Girl View Post
Sometimes rules change after someone’s dick was in your mouth.

Also this is how we’ve always supported each other. We tell each other what we need and see if it’s necessary or possible to do.

He’s not annoyed but you are. Which is hilarious.

Ha! Noted and I will keep that in mind about the rules

I wasn't annoyed, I was frutrated at hearing how a problem can develop between two people over texts. We've all experienced how texts are misconstrued and it was hearing another example of that play out that frustrated me. I still enjoyed the hell out of the show.

And as I said above, if it's been clear between the two of you how your text conversations are supposed to play out, that's his bad for not playing his part right.
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Old 06-07-2019, 01:55 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Hannah Boone is so bad ass! I would love to hang out with her just to watch her pull this stuff off.
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Old 06-07-2019, 06:12 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Does Xerxes have sleep apnea? I do when I drink more than one glass of wine at night, and it really messes with me. I just ask because sleeping lightly, and always being sleepy are common symptoms.

It can be pretty serious, so it’s worth checking out if it seems likely he does have it.
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