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View Poll Results: Should Will Smith’s King Richard Oscar be taken away?
Yes 9 28.13%
No 23 71.88%
Voters: 32. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-30-2022, 03:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
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3521: Vessel for Love - Part 2 w/ Tom Delgado

Former lawyer and current comedian Tom Delgado joins Keith and The Girl to cover the fallout of the infamous Will Smith Oscar Slap including attorneys citing The Will Smith Defense in violent crimes, the majority of Americans blaming Chris Rock, Jada and Will Smith’s Instagram announcements, Chris Rock’s ticket sales, and the Academy Awards conducting an official review of what they aired on TV. (Hopefully they recorded it.)

Tom Delgado

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Old 03-30-2022, 10:00 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I say no to the question on the poll.
Imagine they take it and than? Do they give it to the second best actor? How would he feel?

" I was the second best but I am technically a winner now, what a sweet victory"

I'm sure that's great. No it's done now.

( just to be clear I said Will was wrong to do it and don't defend him at all)

Last edited by Apia resurrected; 03-30-2022 at 10:03 PM.
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Old 03-31-2022, 02:20 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Let him keep this one. But make it clear it's his last one. Ever. Then, just so he thinks about what he did, nominate him every year for different categories with the understanding that he's not going to win. Ever.

That would also help with other folks mentioning their Oscar nominations as if they won.

"I was nominated for an Oscar in 2025!"

"Yeah so was Will Smith. Sit down."
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Old 03-31-2022, 01:58 PM   #4 (permalink)
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How could they take away the Oscar from Will Smith and not Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Mel Gibson? There's a long list of terrible people with statues at their house; can't qWhite put my finger on why Will would be punished when they have not been.
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Old 03-31-2022, 03:50 PM   #5 (permalink)
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A quote from Reagan Gomez's Twitter

"Consequences are coming & ppl will be fine. I’m sure everyone is surrounded by love & family. However you feel about these ppl, they (all 3 of them) are loved and supported & do not need white saviors when ya’ll *wouldn’t* even save yourselves and your daughters from actual predators because “civility” & “decorum” are always the most important. If it don’t apply let it fly. Fin🧡"

This is at the end of a very good thread.

The thread captures a lot of my emotions surrounding the aftermath and discussions of this thing. I've seen Jada called a bitch more times this week than I ever have in my life and all she did was be visibly unhappy for 10 seconds.
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Old 03-31-2022, 04:18 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I did see a video angle of her laughing at the slap as it happened ...
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Old 03-31-2022, 04:32 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I did see a video angle of her laughing at the slap as it happened ...
In all fairness I also laughed as it happened.
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Old 03-31-2022, 05:00 PM   #8 (permalink)
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The whole room laughed as it happened. It wasn't until the yelling started that people understood what was going on.
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Old 03-31-2022, 06:02 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mermaid View Post
The whole room laughed as it happened. It wasn't until the yelling started that people understood what was going on.

The whole room understood what was going on when they laughed. It was when Wil came I. Stage that a different “understanding” was presented.

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Old 03-31-2022, 07:37 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I can't believe I signed on to write this long ass reply

I was wondering whether how you (Chemda and Keith) process things now because of having therapy, and not knowing where Jada is in that process is different. You're also comparing how you're processing this who may not have shared experiences. You do get sponsored by Better Help, so just consider might have to give people grace on that one.*

As women, we handle those situations differently. I most likely won't deal well if my hair falls out in the shower unexpectedly but might be ok shaving my own head bald. Lol it's more than losing her hair and I get it, y'all ain't Black. Jada has been vocal about how this has affected her and if he wrote those jokes, he would have done due diligence to look it up, or his team. It's not a good joke.

Expectations to behave in specific ways are what got this situation as viral as it is because people do this shit all the time.

I'm certainly aligned that he assaulted someone so violence is never the answer. Anytime a man is put in a position to defend a woman it usually ends up badly. He was laughing at first and probably looked over and realized how it was affecting her. Rapists and abusers have been getting Oscars forever so, taking away his Oscar is gonna do what? It's laughable that the Oscars have anything to say. A rich person slapping another rich*person? Um K...

Again, Chris Rock's joke wasn't funny. He's making a joke about someone's appearance. Wouldn't it benefit to actually make a joke that everyone there found funny instead of the expense of a woman's look? A woman who he had issues with in the past (when Jada didn't attend years*ago when they had #OscarsSoWhite). It's like he took the opportunity to single her out? I don't get it. Jada's bald? Um K, you had a platform to say this? This isn't the only 2 times when he has had commentary on Will and Jada. They have been making it slide.

In Will's biography, he spoke about not being able to protect his mom from his father. I'm not asking you to consider that but, just pointing out nuances. I'll stand by protecting Black women. This whole thing is embarrassing but is just too gray to have a single side right now and there are nuances you aren't covering. Who is the "judge" in this especially when Chris Rock himself talks about "good ass-whooping." He also did a documentary on HAIR! He should know better! Chris Rock also is one of those comedians who allows other white comedians to say the N-Word. So there's lots of no respect here already.

BTW, I'm also a Kickstarter backer 2022! Why isn't this updated ? Didn't I back a few more years than this?!
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Last edited by Jerlyn; 03-31-2022 at 07:42 PM. Reason: Quick update/Sidenote
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