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Old 05-17-2023, 03:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
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3670: Suboptimal w/ Ben Rosenfeld

Geopolitical Dick Jokes’ Ben Rosenfeld returns to help discuss The Weeknd reverting to Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, Bud Light, a Marine choking a man to death on an NYC subway, and Sports Illustrated cover model Martha Stewart.

Ben Rosenfeld

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Old 05-17-2023, 05:06 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I saw that new Martha Stewart cover and all I can say is VA VA VA VOOOOOOOM 🥵
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Old 05-18-2023, 04:00 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Not sure if it's Face Blindness I have (but I clicked yes anyway) but if I meet someone at a specific place like a store of cafe or something, I'll recognize them every time. But if I meet that same person out of the environment I know them from, they may as well be a complete stranger. No clue who they are.

For example, I've been going to a particular hardware store for the last 3 years. Dealt with the girl at the trade counter many times. Then she was no longer there. A couple weeks later I go into the new coffee shop in town and the girl behind the counter greets me like a long lost buddy. So I played along being all friendly and such thinking, "Really good service in here, they treat you nice."

Only took about 3 visits to figure out that the girl from the hardware store had opened a cafe and was working behind the counter.

This happens a lot so my way of dealing with it is I just talk to anyone I meet like they are a long lost friend. It really throws people as half of them look like they are trying to figure out where they know me from.
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Elderly cynicism outlasts youthful enthusiasm every time.
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Old 05-18-2023, 01:00 PM   #4 (permalink)
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Chemda dropping the peoples elbow on Keith talking absolute SHIITE trying to position the news story a certain divisive way to manufacture outrage. That was chef's kiss. Well done Chemda.

Paraphrased "ya'll fools talking absolute shite. No cap. You straight bussin'"

Get your shit together before making up a version of events to get mad about and cause hatred and division. Well done Chemda, well done. Want to revisit all that other BS stories that came about this same way but weren't shut down immediately...think they deserve the same treatment, the people's elbow treatment. Coincidence shutting down the show to be one of the shortest in a long time after Keith's fee fee hurt cuz he couldn't freely make up shit and pass it off as truth ROFL. I'll break down the truth of the event in another post and keep this pure praise.
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Old 05-18-2023, 01:29 PM   #5 (permalink)
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My qualifier before any statement on the Neely death in the subway discussion. I have only been able to find videos that don't seem to cover the entire incident however from what is seen on the video here is the information currently available;

Neely was harassing and by witness statements sounds like he was assaulting subway passengers (not battery but assault). The general consensus among the witnesses was that Neely was ramping up on a mental break and his aggression levels were building and assault was presumed to become battery and or sexual assault on the female which was his main focus imminently.

Penny hoped on his back and attempted to restrain Neely to prevent the escalation. The other riders on the subway are seen trying to help Penny control Neely's arms and legs while he is trying to swing them around wildly (thus not choked out). Penny is also repeatedly being praised by the other members on the train and after when they gave their statements for restraining Neely.

Now the "choke". As an individual who has rear naked joked people thousands of times and been rear naked joked thousands of times...I at no point in the video that was made available saw a cinched rear naked choke. That is to say at no time that I could see was the blood flow to the brain constricted. With this said something did happen to Neely during this time and it would seem to align with his actions if there was some drug overdose at play here, I'm guessing Fentanyl again giving the timetable which is very similar to other such incidents where the ramping of behavior and system stress of physical altercation can magnify the acute effects of that type of overdose. After Neely stopped moving he was released and put in the recovery position by Penny.

Items to note. In a rear naked choke the individual will loose consciousness very quickly not slowly over 15 minutes. I at no time saw a successful rear naked choke administered during the available videos but did note that when the man became unconscious after about 15 minutes he was immediately released and put on his side.

The restraint hold used in the video is something you would see on WWE or a big brother use on a little sister. It can control the body but doesn't actually hurt anything. Given the body lock employed I would actually guess that Penny could know the difference and probably purposely didn't choke Neely for most of the video but may have resolved to choking him out eventually just to be able to safely end the altercation and disengage but he definitely didn't have a choke applied for 15 minutes as is being speculated.

The rear naked choke may or may not be able to actually kill someone. This is slightly controversial here since it can for sure result in brain damage and based on a lot of variables of where that damage is...maybe. To note is that there is still some small amount of blood supplied to the brain during this choke up the spinal column but not enough to sustain consciousness. To kill the man with this choke it would have had to be applied for a sustained amount of time which over the 15 minute altercation and the video coverage of that time indicate that this did not happen.

To apply this choke properly for the amount of time necessary to maybe kill someone would require substantial sustained force from big muscle groups that should be able to be observed in labored breathing from the applicant and probably some additional signs of fatigue and flushing. This doesn't appear to be whats happening...just looks like he is holding on until the man calms down.
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Old 05-18-2023, 03:56 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Sounds good.
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Old 05-19-2023, 06:35 AM   #7 (permalink)
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“Hey chatGPT, write me 18 paragraphs of nonsense no one is going to read so I can post it on a forums where no one likes me”
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Old 05-19-2023, 08:52 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MongoMike View Post
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Chemda dropping the peoples elbow on Keith talking absolute SHIITE trying to position the news story a certain divisive way to manufacture outrage. That was chef's kiss. Well done Chemda.
INDEED! I'm so sick of the "divide" on this story in particular and it was great to hear somebody say STFU already
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