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Old 09-20-2023, 05:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
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3719: Bag of Tricks w/ Django Gold

New KATG guest Django Gold has one of Keith’s favorite stand-up specials ever: Bag of Tricks. Django discusses his name, working for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Onion, how to properly spell ‘come’, and night terrors. Keith had an adult sex dream, Bijou Phillips filed for divorce from Danny Masterson, and Rep. Lauren Boebert’s estranged husband blames himself for her groping another man, vaping, and yelling to the point of being kicked out of a Denver showing of the play Beetlejuice.

Django Gold

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Old 09-20-2023, 07:26 PM   #2 (permalink)
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My husband once woke me up screaming NACHO CHEESE directly in my ear. Apparently he was dreaming about being back in the restaurant industry and was trying to get someone to get him nacho cheese. I was very confused and startled when it happened.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old 09-20-2023, 11:08 PM   #3 (permalink)
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More of these everyone, please!!!
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Old 09-21-2023, 10:23 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I used to get night terrors 2 - 3 times a week before I had diagnosed sleep apnea and a cpap machine.

Basically what happens when you sleep your brain causes this chemical to activate in you that temporarily paralyzes you while you sleep to get rest.

When people sleep they snore, some less, others more. Those that snore more is cause there's this little flap inside your face behind your nose/in the airway that relaxes when that paralyzing chemical activates.

The person sleeping struggles to breathe and stops breathing and snores a lot.

The thing about sleep apnea is that everyone has it. Just some more than others.

In a normal night every one with typical sleep apnea will stop breathing less than 5 times per hour. This is normal, nothing to worry about. It's those that stop breathing upwards of 30times that have to worry.

For me, I stopped breathing around 150 times every hour. Everyone said I sounded like I was dying, and I would fall asleep talking to people, driving, sitting and watching TV.

All this to say, when you stop breathing you cut off oxygen to your brain. Your brain never truly falls asleep to hit the deepest part of your sleep cycle. You're paralyzed and you're asleep but your brain is awake and you're aware you can't move and there's a presence in the room keeping you down. It's that chemical. Your body is "asleep" your brain is awake, and you're stuck somewhere in between, it's in this moment where I would at some point start to lucid dream. It's really scary.

But thankfully once I got a sleep study done it never happened again cause I got my cpap machine that helps keep that little flap open.

If this even remotely sounds like you, I recommend seeing a sleep doctor. The night "terrors" will stop and no more lucid dreaming.
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Old 09-22-2023, 08:13 PM   #5 (permalink)
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California Gold is wild. Wilder than Django imo
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Old 09-22-2023, 08:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Yeah but lucid dreaming is pretty fuckin’ awesome

With that said, I never met The Midnight Man
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Old 09-23-2023, 04:49 AM   #7 (permalink)
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My brother used to sleep walk. Growing up my mom had this fear he would mosey over to (and off) the balcony in his sleep, so it was locked permanently. Notably, there were also no knives to be found, except a small paring knife that was out of reach of teens. Those knife stands with multiple knives were never a thing at our house. Nothing crazy happened, but my mom is the type of to think of every conceivable thing that could possibly go wrong. He grew out of sleep-walking.

I occasionally have falling dreams where I sometimes wake up screaming or startled, but no sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming here. One of my recurring falling dreams has to do with The Hulk chasing me across building tops. Already WTF cuz why the Hulk? Me, jumping from building to building?! Suddenly, after so many jumps, I eventually don’t make a jump, and fall into an abyss and wake up screaming or bolt upright. Always fun explaining that to some new person sleeping next to me. Sometimes it makes sense and I self-interpret it as my fear of failure when I’m juggling a lot,, other times it feels so random.
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