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Alia Janine

Comedian and former porn star featured on Vice.
Alia Janine has been on 3 shows

KATG 3209: Man on the Moon - Part 3 w/ Liz Miele, Connor Creagan, Shannon Noll, Alia Janine, Tristan Miller, Luisa Díez, Jake Flores, and Matt Bachus

Good news and bad news: Cat’s Cradle has been picked up for a second season! Also, the writers are ready to get extra stoopid. Here we go: 8 entertainers, 1 manipulative father, and listeners that are ready to choose Keith’s own adventure. December 24, 2019

Show Notes

  • — Liz Miele: Keith and Chemda once dated, hosted Christmas for Keith’s family, and then received a now classic letter regarding Uneven Oxen from Keith’s dad, Father Malley. Keith and Chemda recall finding out Dad had his first child out of wedlock.
  • — Connor Creagan: Due to public demand – or rather Father Malley’s apparent demand – The Dad Emails are continuing in a big and very bad way. After Season 1, where Keith’s Dad teases Keith that he knows secrets about Keith’s ex-wife but isn’t at liberty to share what it is, Season 2 begins with, “How are you doing son,” and then he asks Keith if he’ll visit during the holidays. But what about what he knows about Cat? “I am sorry. I am not at liberty to discuss it.” Listeners discuss. Keith and Cat write dad “separately” at the same time. Do shitbirds get nervous?
  • — Shannon Noll: Keith realizes that he always knew his dad was the weirdest detective of all time and how absolutely insane it would feel if Keith wasn’t really in the know. Jay86 has an idea.
  • — Alia Janine: We’re off and running with the secret keepers as we discuss with a psychiatrist The Nature of Man. Dad explains the problem with Keith and The Girl and the women that have put up with it.
  • — EMERGENCY MEETING: Keith asks if Chemda can come to the studio for an all-of-a-sudden KATG episode. Mom, heartbroken, called Keith upset about what she heard he said on the show. Keith recognizes this pattern has happened his whole life: Dad pretends to be upset at his kids when he makes a mistake, and then he gets Mom to get the children to apologize to him. It works because no one wants Mom upset because she’s the one taking care of things. A 45-year-old Keith finally refuses to play the game.
  • — Tristan Miller: The group discusses the popular Daddy Issues TV show Succession, how Keith can’t relate at all because he never respected his dad, and what his dad pretended to do for work. Keith and Chemda discuss Dad’s religious-based books. Can Keith get Dad to start a podcast?
  • — Luisa Díez and Jake Flores: Will Dad and Fake Cat sue Keith and Chemda for liable, calumny, lying, false insinuations, and open mockery?
  • — Matt Bachus: Season 2’s writers are taking the show in a wild direction! Listener Harrison helps Father Malley sue Keith. Will Dick Peniston, Esq. might enter the scene? Libidos jingle and fish flop.

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