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Old 08-07-2018, 08:28 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Sometimes I lose track but it's never for any reason that has to do with the show. It's fully my flighty attention in choosing things to listen to while I'm working - I'll get distracted listening to a series of audiobooks, get obsessed with a particular group and listen to their music for weeks on end, etc. And suddenly months have gone by. Personally, I've loved following these two for all these years and seeing how they've changed as people, the way that all people do. This is the ONLY podcast that I've consistently followed. I have never and will never find another one like this, and I've listened to a lot of them over the years. It never matters how much time has passed when I come back. Firing up the show and listening again feels like stepping into an old friend's living room.
"'Wah! I'm not good enough, so I blame YOU!' - by the way, that's a baby accent." - Chemda
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Old 08-07-2018, 01:19 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DJ Trashy View Post
But what really got me was the video clip from the 'sad news' episode. I've seen plenty of video, but I guess it was the humanity that shone through.
This is why I've listened for 12 years (sorry I caught you late, but I've listened to all the episodes I missed!). They're "real" in a way that so few other podcasts are (Hot Mess and The Long Shot Podcast, which KATG got me into, excepted). They're so open and, for the most part, help their guests be open too.

I fell out of the forums yeeeeaaaaars ago and I can't remember why, but now I'm back and everyone here is like a big family. It's fun to share my thoughts and feelings about the show as none of my friends really get it.
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