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Old 05-30-2008, 02:11 AM   #41 (permalink)
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thee organ

I know, it's a new concept for most people posting on this thread.

I love my sister and I'm sitting here in Germany shaking!
I cannot believe what I'm reading. The vileness of it all. As if masturbation were a sport for which you received value points.

As if we all ALWAYS said intelligent things.
Sometimes understanding a paradox is the biggest lesson you'll ever get. But it's all lost on these people.


Last edited by awaketoday; 05-30-2008 at 02:15 AM.
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Old 05-30-2008, 02:26 AM   #42 (permalink)
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I agree 100%. So many idiots posting on here. Meet you in Second Life?
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Old 05-30-2008, 02:34 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Can I go with?
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Old 05-30-2008, 02:48 AM   #44 (permalink)
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I did warn Michelle

I told her this forum might be a bit rough.

I laughed at 737 a lot (full disclosure: when I was podcasting, I was guilty of doing the "uh" thing a bit much myself). Actually, as I write this, I'm not quite through listening to 737.

One small clarification. Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff told me in person that I was perceived as "anti-Podshow", at one of the PME's. I'm still not "anti-Podshow" per se, I'm just not interested in signing Old Media contracts for New Media work.

Back when, I was the one who pushed the contract discussion on our podcast. She still blames, incorrectly, Keith and Chemda for there being no more Mike and Michelle Show. The truth is, she was hell-bent to get signed with Podshow, and that dictated her ass-kissing response when I talked about the Podshow contract. She got the contract, but it hasn't exactly panned out the way she hoped.

Michelle also could not understand at the time why I wouldn't trust Adam the way she did. I backed off from Podshow because the Free PDN contract that allows Mevio to keep and use your shit indefinitely even after you leave is rather problematic, or shady, as Chemda might put it. I also think Ron Bloom's recent comments are instructive.

I am not saying what occurred, I have no inside knowledge whatsoever, but isn't it interesting that Adam Curry got himself a nice new dwelling in some upscale English shire about a year into that $25m of venture capital.

It's also interesting that while Keith and Chemda have honed their take on the talk show, by contrast when you look at what Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff and Dawn & Drew are doing, they look like they're chasing the next shiny object. Nemcoff, in case you hadn't heard, has also gone into the Internet porn business. is one of his sites.
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Old 05-30-2008, 03:22 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Let's bet.


Last edited by awaketoday; 06-03-2008 at 11:35 AM.
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Old 05-30-2008, 03:38 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by awaketoday View Post
Second Life? Are you kidding?

Dear Keith,

I hereby DARE you to buy yourself a ticket, get your pretty little self to Munich and then I DARE you to try to be present enough as a man in this precious and incomparable FIRST LIFE to "woo" me enough to even want to hold your hand much less kiss you or any part of you.

I guarantee you, if we did ever by virtue of unfathomable chance end up doing anything remotely intimate, you would not tell a soul about it because it would change your life.

Then, we could take it from there.

I think this dare is a relatively safe bet, btw, and you will predictably do nothing. No offense.

cheers from MUC

die fag
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Old 05-30-2008, 04:38 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by awaketoday View Post
Second Life? Are you kidding?
you should have stopped there, because yes, he obviously was. then, like your sister, you go on to a holier than thou rant that doesnt amount to anything but a lot of you showing your closed minded crazy narcissism runs in the family.

come on, you DARE him to shell out a small fortune to fly 1/3 of the way across the planet to hit on you?

youre right, its a safe bet he wont. but probably not why you think. it would seem you are every bit as sharp as your sister, and if looks run in the family, well, i bet you can use your deductive skills and sleuth out why its actually a safe bet keith, or likely any man, wont be doing that for you anytime soon.

in summation, CAHMADY!
Originally Posted by thepetek View Post
To be fair, to really follow Spooky's diet, you can't just eat chicken. You have to spend your days cleaning up after a slob roommate and night shivering like a rain soaked rage filled chihuahua about having to clean up after said roommate until you finally snap and yell at him. It should be called the Mexican maid diet.
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Old 05-30-2008, 05:28 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kerplunk View Post
I thought the sequence of information was important. Whatsherface was upfront with saying she fucked keith which kept her audience interested. Keith was smart in saving the 2ndLife talk for the end because up until then I thought she could possibly be sane, just stupid.
Her attempt to justify simultaneous masturbation in two different locations as "a form of sex" was the moment I realized she was crazy.
Actually, if i can claim to have had sex with everyone who's ever masturbated at the same time as me, I'm a HUGE PIMP! I've probably fucked your wife! (ecstatic newly found sense of self-confidence face!)
You're like that guy who took a girl's virginity through phone sex.

Wait, did Keith do that to this fat chick?
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Old 05-30-2008, 06:44 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Reflecting upon the report Keith mentioned about the Chinese paralympic orientation on the past episode, I thought I'd lob a grenade in here.

I work in the 'medical industry' and I have to say that I wasn't at all surprised by the comments that came out of the media this week about the Chinese 'orientation' for volunteers dealing with paralympians.

The truth is that some - not all, but some - disabled people can indeed be challenging personalities. In fact newly paralysed people can be fucking difficult to care for.

Depending upon the mechanism of injury, they often begin their new life with a sort of victim mentality. And, whether they realize it or not, this is not assuaged by the various allied health professionals (read social workers, occupational therapists) and disability support advocates who tend to perpetuate and often amplify this victim state into a permanent character trait. Often, these advocates are paraplegics themselves. Disabled people become very anal about things - like how they are positioned in bed, how they are positioned in their chair, how close the plate and the utensils are to them on the table, whether their dick is folded up or down in their pants. It becomes a case of having a ready reckoner and a fucking slide rule some days.

The 'industry' tends to foster in these people an inflated sense of entitlement. Remember that scene in 'There's Something About Mary' where Ben Stiller's character is moving some furniture and that old fuck is wheeling along behind him abusing the shit out of him? Well sometimes that's what it's like out in the real world. These people get access to better parking, they think they take up a whole aisle in the store and god forbid you should get caught out strolling slowly along and one of them comes rolling up behind you.

There is a tendency for the 'industry' to encorage newly disabled people into sports. They can't return to their former jobs in many cases and sport tends to be the only place where they can find usefulness. But the paralympic sporting industry is an exceptionally elitist one. Paralympians tend to think they are above everyone else and often times, athletes tend to have an entourage with them that would rival a Hollywood actor. I mean they literally have someone on hand to wipe their ass!

The discrimination that goes on between the paraplegics and incomplete quadrilplegics can be fucking vicious. I watched a paraplegic gym instructor try and goad an incomplete quadrilplegic into taking a swing at him in a weight room one day when, obviously the poor bastard couldn't. The gym instructor was calling him a useless fuck saying things like 'you shoulda injuried yourself properly and done the world a favor'. This was not some sort of twisted reverse psychology to push the guy harder to get more function back - the instructor was just a cunt. I let the air out of the his tyres - two can play at that game.

Some disabled people - not all - can be fucking intolerable.
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Old 05-30-2008, 07:37 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by awaketoday View Post
I know, it's a new concept for most people posting on this thread.

I love my sister and I'm sitting here in Germany shaking!
I cannot believe what I'm reading. The vileness of it all. As if masturbation were a sport for which you received value points.

As if we all ALWAYS said intelligent things.
Sometimes understanding a paradox is the biggest lesson you'll ever get. But it's all lost on these people.

WTF? do you read your shite before you post to make sure they make some sort of sense at all?? No? Yea that's what I thought... yeesh.
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