Latest Episode

2243: This Guy Has a Book

with Aaron Berg and Danny Hatch – The Comedy World Record; heckling a fighter; self-hating Jews; quitting drinking and smoking together; taking steroids and Viagra; blowing a 12-year-old; What is the greatest country?; psychoanalyzing the hosts September 10, 2015

Show Notes

  • — Mr. Manners: Aaron Berg, author of two books, and Danny Hatch are in studio
  • — The 22 Club: Aaron is planning on setting a new Guinness World Record for most comedy shows performed in 1 night
  • — Ice And Chicken Wings: Aaron, a tough-looking guy who’s built like a brick shithouse, talks about the times he’s been confronted by hecklers
  • — Creator: Aaron has a lot of Jewish tattoos because he felt ashamed of his Judaism while a college student in New Brunswick, Canada
  • — Dr. Berg: Aaron stopped drinking and smoking cigarettes cold turkey at the same time, but the detox was so bad that it laid him up for a week-and-a-half
  • — A Good Pump: Aaron was a competitive bodybuilder who used steroids as well as a stripper who used elastic to keep his dick hard. He happened to also be a sex addict.
  • — Samurai X: Aaron extols the virtues of Viagra and over the counter sex drugs. Keith is in possession of one.
  • — Goofin’ Around: Aaron gave his friend a blowjob when they were 12 years old
  • — American Etiquette: Aaron’s new book is an ironic guide for Fox News Americans on how to be more politically correct. Aaron, a Canadian, loves America but doesn’t think it’s the greatest country in the world.
  • — Ousted From Most Popular Society: Aaron describes Danny, Keith, and Chemda

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