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Old 05-12-2010, 03:02 PM   #51 (permalink)
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The caller made sense, he wasn't just talking about the Picasso shit either. He mentioned that this wilfull ignorance has been coming up on a lot of topics lately. Hence his explitive filled tyrade.
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Old 05-12-2010, 04:13 PM   #52 (permalink)
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okay, i'm going to through my hat into the ring being pro Picasso.

Say someone had the clip of Howard Stern interviewing his first stripper, (a monumental moment in shock jock history) now look at shock jock of today, strippers are their bread and butter. The shock of a stripper is over due to prolonged exposure, the historical moment becomes asinine. So why would someone want to hear the original clip?
That exact reason is why someone would buy a Picasso. To buy a Picasso is to buy an piece of history, and because the level of pretension of the market is so high, the price is set as high as possible.
You guys are totally right that the price of artwork is pretty crazy, but you have to remember, this is the only way artists are making money.
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Old 05-12-2010, 05:21 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by King Will View Post
You guys are totally right that the price of artwork is pretty crazy, but you have to remember, this is the only way artists are making money.
Commercial art spans hundreds of industries and is worth billions worldwide. Most artists are just like you and me and work 40 hours a week.
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Old 05-12-2010, 05:32 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Boozerz View Post
Commercial art spans hundreds of industries and is worth billions worldwide. Most artists are just like you and me and work 40 hours a week.
well yeah commercial artists do have full time jobs, but not those people who want to live like the bohemians.
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Old 05-12-2010, 06:36 PM   #55 (permalink)
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The guy at the end just reminded me of the Modern Warfare 2 kid. I wonder if he punched his phone afterward.
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Old 05-12-2010, 07:52 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Modern Warfare kid made me super uncomfortable. Especially to watch. At least the voicemail guy was articulate (albeit rash) about his points. Don't have to agree with him, don't have to agree with what art looks good or bad.

Also, the girls were super fun on the show. Kelly is aces hot.
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Old 05-12-2010, 08:42 PM   #57 (permalink)
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I thought the caller made a ton of sense, and I share many of the same sentiments he expressed.

However, I thought it was also very cool of KATG to play the entire call, unfiltered, without interruptions. They could have paused the call to add little quips or jabs against the caller, but they left it for the listener to hear and agree/disagree.

I haven't been on KATG's side throughout Picassogate, but they at least acknowledge that a substantial number of their listeners seem to disagree with them on the issue, and they accept that, and don't expect/demand a hive mentality.
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Old 05-12-2010, 09:26 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sexy_Potatoe_with_an_E View Post
I think the caller had valid points, but at the same time they weren't talking about him. They were saying most people, not all, who are into visual art, are pretending-- in this elitist, middle brow way-- and trust me if you have ever even set foot on an artsy college campus, these people exist and are flourishing.

Most people who actually are informed are the ones who would probably have more dissenting opinions-- I think.

And I don't think they were ever encouraging ignorance, they were calling people out for being ignorant and pretending to have high brow taste or pretending that something speaks to them when it doesn't to sound smart at a cocktail party.

Moreover, what art is has always been up for debate. And there are plenty in academia who would argue that anything can be art, that nothing is art, that there is no such thing as good or bad art or that art is something that makes those who interact with it feel a certain way-- so if Picasso means nothing to Keith then for Keith it's not art and I think that's valid.

It depends on how you view art and what you think constitutes art, which is completely subjective.
I agree completely. Thanks for saving me time typing.
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Old 05-12-2010, 09:43 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sexy_Potatoe_with_an_E View Post
I think the caller had valid points, but at the same time they weren't talking about him. They were saying most people, not all, who are into visual art, are pretending-- in this elitist, middle brow way-- and trust me if you have ever even set foot on an artsy college campus, these people exist and are flourishing.

Most people who actually are informed are the ones who would probably have more dissenting opinions-- I think.

And I don't think they were ever encouraging ignorance, they were calling people out for being ignorant and pretending to have high brow taste or pretending that something speaks to them when it doesn't to sound smart at a cocktail party.

Moreover, what art is has always been up for debate. And there are plenty in academia who would argue that anything can be art, that nothing is art, that there is no such thing as good or bad art or that art is something that makes those who interact with it feel a certain way-- so if Picasso means nothing to Keith then for Keith it's not art and I think that's valid.

It depends on how you view art and what you think constitutes art, which is completely subjective.
Psh existentialists, get a fucking job hippies!
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Old 05-13-2010, 04:30 AM   #60 (permalink)
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I'm with the guy who called in on the voicemail (even though he did go on about it for too long). Lately I am finding myself fast forwarding the bits where Keith gets into rants about stuff he is obviously ignorant about. It's getting boring. As is his starting every other show with shouting "U.S.A - U.S.A!!!" and bitching about other countries. Yawners indeed. I know it's a comedy show and that we shouldn't take everything at face value, but if that's the case why was Danny Lobbell's "bit" the other day so wrong? I pretty much stick to episodes with guests these days (they are usually great) but skip the ones with just Keith & Chemda.
it's the bee's knees
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