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View Poll Results: Would you crossdress for sexual gratification behind closed doors
I have/would crossdress (or want my partner to) for sexual gratification behind closed doors 17 45.95%
The standard/nudity is gratifying enough for me 20 54.05%
Voters: 37. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-18-2010, 08:49 AM   #31 (permalink)
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I've been through a glam rock phase but it was mostly weird andrgynous make up stuff.

Cross-dressing was fun at a Rocky Horror party, but in general i dont find anything interesting or enticing in it. Mostly because i have a very masculine body structure and female clothing just looks ridiculous on me.

Of course, if my partner is into it, i would do it. Never say no, unless it's hurtful (and even in that case there's good hurt and bad hurt)
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Old 06-18-2010, 09:06 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by madeyeshawn View Post
No, I just wonder how many hetero guys don't understand what their missing.

Or, its like KATG; so good how can you not spread the word.
I suppose I'm just amused by your need to evangelize on the topic. It's kind of like other threads where you have expressed your need to share your atheism. It amuses me because if someone were to be proselytizing from the other perspective, you would be mortally offended.

Please note, I am using the word 'amused' very deliberately. I'm the guy sitting in the corner watching you go on and on about how fabulous something is. Shiny shiny, new new ... do continue the show.
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Old 06-18-2010, 09:22 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
I suppose I'm just amused by your need to evangelize on the topic. It's kind of like other threads where you have expressed your need to share your atheism. It amuses me because if someone were to be proselytizing from the other perspective, you would be mortally offended.

Please note, I am using the word 'amused' very deliberately. I'm the guy sitting in the corner watching you go on and on about how fabulous something is. Shiny shiny, new new ... do continue the show.
I try my best to share my spiritual beliefs (lack of) only when topical. I used to be too aggressive about it but I have toned it down and have adopted the "lets all get along, and give respect to get respect" philosophy.

But this thread is about Role reversal in the bedroom. And besides cross dressing the other most obvious role reversal topic for a hetero man is taking it in the ass. Seems topical and fair game to "sell" it to a few people who went out of their way to say "I would never try that, and I dont need to". I have no investment if my salesmanship fails, I just feel like its worth the effort.

I think the right criticism for me is "long winded" that would be fair.
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Old 06-18-2010, 09:57 AM   #34 (permalink)
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You aren't offending me in any way, to be clear. I'm just amused. Effort is investment, by the way.
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Old 06-18-2010, 10:10 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
You aren't offending me in any way, to be clear. I'm just amused. Effort is investment, by the way.
I think effort is only investment if your disappointed with the results. My ass will be happy either way

And I didn't think you were offended, I did want to acknowledge the validity of the "annoying atheist" comparison and let you know that the past year I have made huge strides away from that arrogant aggressive style of socializing.

I always appreciate people who take the time and effort to put my flaws and any mis-guided idealism's to task. I also try to return the favor, as best as I can.
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